Apuseni – a mountain range in Romania – could be seen from the peak of Duże Jasło in the Bieszczady Mountains. The Varful Britei peak is the southernmost area observed from Poland so far. The weather window allowed it.
The photo, which is very popular on social media, was taken by Bartosz Siedlecki, author of the blog obserwacyjny.blogspot.com. He took the photo on January 14 from the peak of Duże Jasło in the Bieszczady Mountains.
Apuseni – a mountain range in Romania seen from the Bieszczady Mountains obserwacyjny.blogspot.com
“Record observation from Jasło (in the Bieszczady Mountains) of the Romanian Apuseni Mountains from a distance of 278 km made on the morning of January 14, during a very short but excellent weather window. The farthest observation from the Bieszczady Mountains, the observed peak of Varful Britei is the southernmost area observed so far from Poland, second distance in the country,” he wrote on social media. As he added, this is the first observation of the Apusens from Jasło in the Bieszczady Mountains.
The Varful Britei peak is the southernmost area observed from Poland so far – said the author of the photo. observational.blogspot.com
Enjoying such views was possible thanks to the specific weather conditions that occurred that day. You can read more about the expedition on Bartosz Siedlecki's blog observational.blogspot.com.
Apuseni – a mountain range in Romania seen from the Bieszczady Mountains observational.blogspot.com
Main photo source: observational.blogspot.com