“The Sunday Times” reports about the secret visits citing sources in Western intelligence services. According to journalists, the deepening cooperation between both countries has recently been clearly visible. It's all about exchange of military technology and development of the nuclear program.
– You can send some Iranian scientists to Arzamas, Penza, any of the Russian nuclear centers and they can learn a lot there in 24 hours. A long working weekend would give Iranians a lot of knowledge, says William Alberque, a former director NATO on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Russia. Kremlin cooperation with Iran. A double game by the authorities in Tehran
Anonymous sources draw attention to the moves made in recent months by Iran. It was decided about purchase of the latest version of Russian Su-35 fightersas well as air defense systems.
At the same time, representatives of the authorities in Tehran organize meetings with diplomats of Western countries: Great Britain, German i France on the national nuclear program.
“Talks between Iran and the group's representatives are reportedly taking place in Geneva at Iran's request as the regime seeks to lift sanctions and end the nuclear standoff. before Trump's inauguration“- we read.
Earlier, Iran proposed limiting its nuclear enrichment program to 60 percent and allowing International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors to return to the country.
Experts remind that in order to create a weapon, it is necessary to produce it enriched uranium with a purity of 90 percent.