In April it will be four years since his death Krzysztof Krawczykwhich songs such as, among others, “I wanted to be” or “Parostatek” was once hummed by the whole of Poland. The artist left all his property to his third wife, Ewa, whom he married twice. The musician's son was not included in the will, Krzysztof Krawczyk Junior. The singer's wife offered Junior to pay the rent in his grandmother's apartment, which he occupies, but the singer's son did not agree to such conditions. He claims that his father promised him part of the property and decided to pursue his rights in court. The trial was constantly dragging on and new obstacles appeared. The last one took place in November 2022. Krzysztof Junior is also in conflict with his father's former manager, Andrzej Kosmala. The list of things they argue about is long. This is not only the will itself, but also places in the cemetery, as well as the name and surname of the singer's son. Krawczyk's stepmother and former manager have just banned the artist's son from being “Krzysztof Krawczyk”.
Krzysztof Krawczyk's son can no longer be “Krzysztof Krawczyk”? There is the result of the process
Kosmala and Krzysztof Krawczyk's widow applied for registration of the word mark “Krzysztof Krawczyk” at the Patent Office. According to the Black Online portal, after almost four years, the case is finally over, which ended in defeat for the deceased singer's son, who is already in a difficult financial situation. Krzysztof Krawczyk Junior can no longer be “Krzysztof Krawczyk”. What does this mean exactly?
In short, this poor guy lost his court case for the right to make money from the word mark “Krzysztof Krawczyk”. The stepmother, Ewa Krawczyk, and the deceased artist's manager, Andrzej Kosmala, will be able to profit from this, because they were the first to submit an application to the Patent Office. It looks like it's first come, first serve. Igor [drugie imiÄ™ syna Krzysztofa Krawczyka – przyp. red.] he had to pay the costs of the trial – almost PLN 1,700
– said journalist Zbigniew RabiÅ„ski in an interview with ShowNews.
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Krzysztof Krawczyk's son must take this into account before a possible concert tour
According to ShowNews, Krawczyk's son can still use his name and surname in trade. The son of the deceased artist, who is also involved in music, can go on tour as “Krzysztof Krawczyk”, but he should add e.g. a middle name to his surname to somehow distinguish him from “Krzysztof Krawczyk” himself. “Pursuant to Article 156(1) of the same Act, the right of protection for a trademark does not give the holder (in this case Ewa Krawczyk and Andrzej Kosmala) the right to prohibit the use of their surnames by other persons in trade. However, the condition is that the use of this sign was implemented in accordance with fair practices in industry and trade,” we read on the website.