– The WOŚP scale is illustrated by the experiment, which we have recently carried out: we removed all the equipment from several rooms marked with a characteristic red heart. To our surprise, only empty walls remained in the rooms – this is proof of how much we owe this foundation – says Przemysław Galej, head of the children's ward at the Specialist Hospital in Sanok.
TVN Warner Bros. Discovery for the 9th time is the main media partner of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has been collecting money for the purchase of modern equipment for Polish hospitals for 33 years. The Foundation supports both large specialized centers and small poviat medical facilities. It provides modern medical equipment to places that without the support of the Foundation could often not afford to buy high -class devices. It is thanks to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity that many small hospitals operate more efficiently, and patients from smaller towns can count on professional help.
Also check the special service: WOŚP 2025 on TVN24
How did the fate of the children who was helped by the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity? Here are some unusual stories Adrianna Otręba/Fakty TVN
Almost the entire branch equipped with equipment from the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
Only over the past few years the Specialist Hospital in Sanok has received several dozen modern devices from the WOŚP Foundation. The Foundation supported, among others A children's ward, which is practically all equipped with equipment with a characteristic red heart.
In 2017, the camera came to the location of blood vessels, a cot for children and a bed for young people – each with a stick cabinet, specialized electrically controlled beds for patients requiring intensive medical supervision, infusion pumps and pulse oximettes. A year later, an ultrasound with five heads – including for tests of echoes of heart and central nervous system, and fold -out seats for parents who want to watch over their children at night at night.
A children's ward from the WOŚP Foundation got a camera for the location of blood vessels in childrenHospital in Sanok
– The Foundation of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Thoughts comprehensively about small patients and approaches their needs in a comprehensive manner, which was reflected in the equipment of our department – emphasizes Dr. Przemysław Galej, a longtime head of the children's ward at a specialist hospital in Sanok. – I can say with full responsibility that without the WOŚP support, we would not be able to equip the ward so significantly with modern medical equipment – he adds.
Reason? The difficult financial situation, in which poviat hospitals have been found for years, and in particular – as Dr. Galej emphasizes – children's departments operating in them.
The WOŚP Foundation also funded cots for the youngest patients Hospital in Sanok
Removed the equipment from the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, the walls were empty
Equipment from the WOŚP Foundation allows pediatricians to provide professional help to the youngest patients. – Thanks to the ultrasound camera transmitted by the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, we can perform tests such as an echo of heart, lung ultrasound or other abdominal organs. This allows us to conduct diagnostics and treatment at the appropriate level, without the need to send children to centers 80-100 kilometers away in larger cities, such as Rzeszów – emphasizes the head physician.
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity will play once again. “It saves people's lives”Marta Kolbus/Fakt in the afternoon TVN24
And he adds. – We support the activities of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation with all our heart. Every day we see how great this support is for the functioning of our ward and care for small patients. The scale of this help is illustrated by the experiment, which we have recently carried out: we removed all the equipment from several rooms marked with a characteristic red heart. To our surprise, only empty walls remained in the rooms – this is proof of how much we owe this foundation.
The experiment was to be a response to the voices of criticism that flow towards the WOŚP Foundation.
There is a heart of the Great OrchestructionHospital in Sanok
“Hospital pearl” from the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
The WOŚP Foundation also retained other departments in the Sanok hospital. In 2022, she donated an otolaryngology operating microscope and a mobile system of flexible endoscopy with equipment. A year later, the Microbiology Department received devices to facilitate the fight against sepsis – a laminar chamber and a camera identification apparatus using mass spectrometry method. This is important because about one hundred sepsis cases are recognized in Sanok every year.
– The equipment for the sepsis that came to us is our hospital pearl. I am talking here about a device for mass spectrometry, i.e. to detect microorganisms. This is the basic tool in diagnosing sepsis. Until recently, such equipment was only in clinics, now it is also in a hospital in Sanok. Thanks to it, we can initially diagnose each pathogen and implement appropriate treatment – explains Grzegorz Panek. The waiting time for the test result towards Sepsy was shortened from a few hours to just a few minutes. The device cost PLN 850,000, the purchase was fully financed by the WOŚP Foundation.
In 2024, the WOŚP Foundation donated to an ENT ward at the Sanok hospital a rigid endoscopy system, and an ultrasound apparatus came to pulmonology. The microbiology plant has been equipped with a molecular diagnostic analyzer.
“What a shell when you are young …”
Grzegorz Panek, director of the Specialist Hospital in Sanok, has been supporting the orchestra for years. – Why am I doing this? Because I can't imagine doing differently. I am from a generation that was brought up at the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, in the 1990s I was a student, I went to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity and put money into cans. I do the same today. I always say that what the shell soaks when young, it smacks in old age. I think it is simply impossible to do it otherwise – Grzegorz Panek tells us.
See facts material in the afternoon: “If someone does not believe, we set an example.” Six -year fields live thanks to WOŚP equipment
Equipment that the Sanok hospital got from the WOŚP Foundation saves the health and life of the region's inhabitants every day.
– The hospital in Sanok is on the front line. Even if we send the patient further, we still conduct preliminary diagnostics, and we often treat them. Thanks to the equipment from the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, we can provide our patients with professional care – says director Panek. And he adds: – We all use the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity all over Poland. It is worth supporting the orchestra, because you never know if this equipment will someday save life.
WOŚP 2025. Summer smoke in the middle of winter
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has been playing since 1993. For 32 years, the WOŚP Foundation, thanks to one -day public collections, which are called finals – supports the Polish healthcare system: it buys the latest medical equipment for hospitals, runs eight nationwide medical programs, implements an educational program and promotes a healthy lifestyle and preventive measures.
During the 32 finals, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity collected nearly PLN 2.3 billion, which was allocated to the purchase of 74.5 thousand various medical devices. During most of the finals, the orchestra played to improve the quality of medical care for children. But not only. The foundation, among others, in the past two years also conducted collections for adults: in 2023 to fight sepsis, and in 2024 – for the treatment of lung diseases.
The leitmotif of the 33rd final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity is the safety and health of children, and is accompanied by the slogan “We play health!”. The collected money will be allocated to the needs of hematology and pediatric oncology.
“Our patients, seeing equipment with a heart, feel hope for health, for life”Jarosław Kostkowski/Fakty TVN
33. The final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity takes place on Sunday, January 26, but some of the traditional initiatives – such as the Warsaw Run “Count with diabetes!” – It was organized on Saturday, January 25. All most important events can be followed on TVN24, TVN, TTV, on Max, Player.pl, TVN24 GO and on tvn24.pl.
Source of the main photo: Hospital in Sanok