In Istanbul, a female dog brought a hypothermic, dying puppy to the door of a veterinary clinic. The entire incident can now be seen on video captured by surveillance cameras.
On Friday, we informed about a touching story from Istanbul, where a dying, hypothermic puppy was saved. The barely alive cub was brought to the door of the veterinary clinic by its mother. The entire event, which took place on Monday, January 13, was captured by surveillance cameras located in the clinic.
A touching recording
The surveillance video shows the female dog carrying a puppy in her mouth and placing it in front of the Beylikduzu Alfa veterinary clinic. A moment later, the door opens and the veterinarian takes the cub in his hands, looks at it carefully, and then lets the mother inside the clinic. Then you can see the veterinarians administering medicine to the puppy and warming it up, while the female dog watches everything.
The dog brought the puppy to the clinic doorAlfa Veteriner Kliniği Beylikdüzü/ENEX
According to the Turkish website Bianet, the female dog recently gave birth to puppies, but only two of the litter survived.
– We thought all her cubs were dead. However, it turned out that the puppy that came to us also has a brother, said Baturalp Oghan, the owner of the clinic. – The dog brought us a puppy and left it at the door. When one of the employees noticed this, he welcomed them, he added. As it turned out, the second puppy was brought to the same clinic by local residents. “He was also reunited with his mother,” Oghan said.
The vets took care of the dogsAlfa Veteriner Kliniği Beylikdüzü/ENEX
Main photo source: Alfa Veteriner Kliniği Beylikdüzü/ENEX