Salaries are growing: – high inflationwhich increases the costs of living, forces many specialists to raise their rates to keep up with growing expenses – notes Przemysław Wieły, President of the Board of Useme, platform for subcontractors' settlements. According to the report she prepared, it follows that Freelancing in Poland is more and more profitable. Last year, many specialists raised rates for their services.
Specialists from the IT industry are the most expensive: Average rate for a single order from the “Programming” category amounted to PLN 5,014. So it increased by almost 36 percent compared to the previous year. Subcontractors want PLN 3,995 for other services and IT projects. In turn, UX/UI specialists expect an average rate of PLN 3,656. The IT industry is powered by development artificial intelligence and automation. – The greatest increases in the rates relate to technology industries, such as programming or UX/UI, which are the foundation of digital transformation – notes a loud. At the forefront of the “most expensive specialists” were also: “Virtual Assistant” with an average rate of PLN 3,577 and architecture with an average rate of PLN 3,809.
Who has the smallest rates? In turn, “cheapest” are subcontractors from the copywriting industry. The average rate for the order was Only PLN 1,576. It is worth noting, however, that this amount increased by 27 percent. compared to the previous year. Specialists dealing with translations (4 percent) and service also raised the rates gently up the rates shops internet (7.5 percent). The average rates for them are 1,656 PLN and PLN 1,655 for the order.
Which services were the most popular? In 2024, however, graphic designers were the most popular. It's almost 18 percent all orders settled through the Useme platform. Next are marketing (18 %), copywriting (16 %) and IT programming and services (13 percent). Interestingly, the greatest increase in interest in a specific service concerned application mobile. Increased by an impressive 118 percent The demand for creating websites (by 24 %) also increased, and It decreased to programming (by 24 %) and translations (by 20 %).
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Source: USEME: Freelancing report in Poland in 2024 (press materials)