Investigative services South Korea confirmed that it was issued on January 7 by the court the arrest warrant was executed on Wednesday at 10:33 local time (2:33 in Poland).
Jun Suk Jeol was taken to the headquarters of the Office for Corruption among Senior Officials (CIO), where further actions are to be carried out. The CIO has 48 hours to question the president, after which he must seek an order to detain him for 20 days or release him.
South Korea. President Jun Suk Jeol has been arrested
Jun Suk Jeol before he was arrested he managed to record a statementwhich was then sent to the media. The politician argued that neither the authorities investigating his case nor the courts issuing arrest warrants had the authority to do so.
– I decided to appear before the CIO, even though this is an illegal investigationto prevent bloodshed. But that doesn't mean I approve of their investigation,” Jun said, adding that “although these are dark days (…) the future of this country is full of hope“.
CIO officials attempted to arrest the suspended head of state on January 3, acting on the basis of the first issued warrant. However, final actions were then abandoned due to a long-hour blockade by the presidential security services (PSS).
The CIO official admitted that during the second attempt, which investigators and police started at around 5 local time (9 p.m. on Tuesday in Poland), PSS did not obstruct their activities.
Initially, there was an impasse that lasted almost two hours, during which, among other things, to short scuffles between people forming a cordon in front of the main gate leading to the complex where the head of state's headquarters is located. Jun hasn't left her since December 12 last year. Then, investigators got to the guardhouse at the gate of Jun's residence, and after short negotiations, they were allowed into the building.
South Korea. He introduced martial law. The Constitutional Tribunal will decide the president's fate
Thousands of Jun's supporters gathered in front of the presidential complex in the Yongsan district since the early morning hours and, according to the Yonhap agency, they reacted to the news about the politician's arrest with tears.
June all the time defends its decision to introduce martial lawexplaining that he wanted to protect democracy in the country this way in front of regime sympathizers in Pyongyang. However, opposition MPs claim that it was couptherefore they submitted an application for impeachment of the head of statewhich was voted on on December 14.
Since then The Constitutional Tribunal has 180 days to decidewhether to approve Jun's dismissal or reinstate him. The first hearing in this case lasted only four minutes because the leader did not appear. The next one is scheduled for Thursday and, as announced, it will take place regardless of whether the president shows up or not.
Yet several high-ranking officials have already been arrested in connection with their role in imposing martial law, including military commanders and former Defense Minister Kim Jong Hjun.