Planes at Bilbao airport had problems with landing through strong winds. He is associated with the Herminia storm, which is approaching the coast of the Iberian Peninsula. In Spain and Portugal, weather alarms were announced before extremely high waves, downpours and strong winds.
On Sunday, he was up to the Iberian Peninsula storm Herminia. From the morning in northwestern Spain and northern Portugal, the clouds covered the sky, it began to rain abundantly and a strong wind.
Red alerts in two countries
Strong gusts took their toll at the airport in the city of Bilbao in the Basque Country, where on Sunday aircraft had landing problems. On the recording made there you can see the machines approaching the landing, which the wind tugs.
The inhabitants of Spanish Galicia are preparing for dangerous weather conditions. According to the forecasts of the Aemet meteorological agency, it will be the most dangerous on the western and northwestern coast of the province of Coruna. There is a red, highest alert in front of high waves reaching up to 12 meters. In many other regions, lower -degree warnings apply to wind and downpours.
Intensive rain and gusts of wind are also to be toll on the inhabitants of Portugal. The Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) said that from Monday noon the districts of Aveiro, Braga, Coimbra, Porto and Viana do Castelo will be covered by a red warning. In the coastal zone, the waves can reach up to 14 meters. Locally, it can also snow in the north of the country.
Rapid weather in SpainPAP/EPA/LAVANDEIRA JR
El Pais, Sic Noticias, Reuters
Source of the main photo: Reuters