In a field in Stężyca (Lublin Province), a combine harvester operator caught a power line with his basket. A 56-year-old and a 62-year-old man who were working on the harvest of green beans died as a result of the electrocution. The driver was not hurt. The police are investigating the circumstances of the incident.
The tragedy occurred on Tuesday (6 August) at around 3 p.m. in the town of Stężyca in Ryki County.
“According to the police findings, during the harvesting of green beans, the combine harvester operator touched a power line with his basket. As a result, two employees: a 56-year-old resident of Dęblin and a 62-year-old resident of Ryki County, were electrocuted,” wrote junior cadet Małgorzata Skowrońska from the Provincial Police Headquarters in Lublin in a statement.
The driver was sober
Despite lengthy resuscitation, the men's lives could not be saved. The 59-year-old combine operator was sober and uninjured.
“Police officers worked at the scene under the supervision of the prosecutor's office. The bodies were secured for autopsy,” the policewoman noted.
SEE ALSO: Tragedy at the fishing spot. A man caught his fishing rod in a power line and was electrocuted.
Main image source: Lublin Police