Snacking in stores: Very often children in stores they eat rolls or drink drinks before approaching the cash register with their parents. Sometimes even adults eat food before paying. However, the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection warns that the product is not ours until we pay for it. “If you eat or drink something before you pay, it may stay considered theft” – the office said on Instagram.
These stores warn: The Interia portal asked the largest store chains in Poland about their approach to consuming products before paying. “We cannot rule out necessary actions that may result in discomfort for the client, in accordance with applicable regulations“- she said Ladybird. However, the Lidl store chain stated that the unpaid item is the property of the seller, and The customer should inform the employee at the checkout about the situation of consuming the product in advance. Żabka also reported that products should only be consumed by customers after payment.
Greater tolerance: As it turns out, more on this topic Kaufland stores are understanding. It was conveyed that it was approached from full understanding and acceptance to the needs of children who can't wait to eat the product. The Eurocash group is also lenienti.e., among others ABC, Lewiatan, Groszek and Delikatesy Centrum stores. “We also try to be understanding, especially towards the youngest consumers,” it said.
Read also: “A well-known network with dynamic expansion. Hundreds of new stores in 2025“
Sources: UOKiK Instagram, Interia