IMGW issued meteorological warnings. On Monday, strong gusts of wind are expected. Overosa can reach up to 80 kilometers per hour.
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW) issued first degree meteorological warnings.
Meteorological warnings – strong wind
First degree warnings against strong winds were issued in voivodships:
- Silesianin the following poviats: Bielsko-BiałaCieszyn, Żywiec;
- Lesser Polandin the following poviats: Suski, Nowotarski, Tatra, and Nowosądecki, Nowy SączGorlicki;
- Podkarpackie in the following poviats: Jasielski, Krosno, LoomSanok, Leski and Bieszczady.
A strong wind with an average speed of up to 40 kilometers per hour is forecast, in gusts up to 80 km/h, from the south and southwest. The warnings will be valid on Monday from 9-16, only in the Gorlice poviat and in Podkarpackie they will expire later at 20 on the same day.
Meteorological warningsIMGW
What is the first -degree IMGW meteorological warning
Conditions are expected to conducive to the occurrence of dangerous meteorological phenomena that can cause material losses and a threat to health and life. Conducting activities in conditions of exposure to these factors is difficult and dangerous. Expect difficulties resulting from conducting activities in the area of threat, including delays caused by traffic difficulties, disturbances in outdoor events or the possibility of their dismissal. Recommended caution, the need to track messages and the development of the weather situation.
Source of the main photo: Adobe Stock