The incident took place on Thursday evening in Lidingö in Sweden. During football training the weather broke, after then lightning struck the pitch where teenage soccer players were gathered.
– Many young people were standing under the tree.and lightning struck several of them, said Barry Levis, head of the rescue operation, as quoted by Swedish media.
Sweden. Lightning strikes teenagers. Three seriously injured
A total of eight teenagers were taken to hospital, three of whom were injured but their lives are not in danger.
– Two patients are seriously injured, but their condition is stable. One suffered less serious injuries and is expected to recover. He will be able to leave the hospital today – a doctor from the facility where the teenagers were taken told SVT Nyheter on Friday.
Markus Karlsson, manager of IFK Lidingö football club, spoke on the matter. – We met with all the injured parties. This was, of course, a very big shock.
We have conducted and continue to conduct dialogue with the leaders of the affected team, he told the media. Karlsson was not present at the time of the incident.
Source: SVT, “Aftonbladet”
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