There are a few rules in the canon of Christmas radio hits. It must be atmospheric, there must be a melody that is easy to remember, bells, and lyrics gifts, Christmas tree and family. Tatiana Okupnik she decided to go against the grain. “Happy birthday” is actually it anti-Christmas songwhich, however, can tug at the heartstrings. It's a bit the truth about ourselves.
Tatiana Okupnik in a Christmas song. It moves and makes you think
The holiday season is not for everyone a time of magic and vision that we know from the advertisements of famous jewelry companies. At this time, psychotherapists' couches are overcrowded, and meeting a large group of family can be traumatic for some. And this is, among other things, what Tatiana Okupnik decided to sing about. “A star in the sky, a stained tablecloth on the top of a shaky table. We are wolves, sitting next to each other. Why? I don't know. Smiles in the photos, we are baring our teeth, and there is meat in our teeth,” sings the star. You have to admit this one the message is striking and moving. Further on, it is even stronger, as there are words about clipped wings and lost wanderers. Occupier avoids banality and confronts brutal realitythinking about their listeners with empathy. There is also an eloquent music video for the song, which gives food for thought. “It is at the Christmas Eve table that loneliness, longing, sadness, unfulfillment, fear, disappointment, and tiredness of the situation we find ourselves in are strongly emphasized. All our 'uphill climbs' are written in bold lines. The tables are sagging from too many bottles of vodka, from too many bottles of vodka, from unhealed wounds, from the topics of pregnancies, suitable partners and life choices that have been discussed for years,” we read in the description.
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Okupnik doesn't want to sing about anything anymore. He touches on important topics in his new songs
Musically, the song “Happy Birthday” is written by Mariusz Obijalski and Tatiana Okupnik herself. The star has previously created singles with this lineup “Puzzle” and “Mother goes on for a long time.” Perhaps these were not hits like those that Okupnik sang years ago with Blue Cafebut it should be noted that the singer I don't want to sing about anything anymore. In her new work, she touches on socially important topics related to motherhood, depression, loneliness and starting over. So far, the most popular was her single “Wracam”, with which she performed at the Opole Premieres. Okupnik also returned to her old hairstyle and a bit to her old voice, because there is more of the characteristic “frog” in her singing again. It's not always needed, but it's actually good that it is there. However, this does not mean that Tatiana lost her charisma along the way. Viewers of this year's “New Year's Eve with Two” will probably find out about this. Okupnik will welcome 2025 on the stage of the Silesian Stadium in Chorzów.
Will “Happy Birthday” become a Christmas hit like “Who Knows?” De Su or Red Guitars' “One Day a Year”? Rather I doubt it, but I guess that's not the point. The song Okupnik fits into the maxim “truth of time, truth of screen”. It's an emotional thing that makes you think. And that's what creators should be thinking about. Andrzej Wajda himself once said that “the most important thing for a filmmaker is to make people think.” In his new work, Okupnik follows this path.
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