Just 18 percent of Germans, or less than one in five, think their country is in a good place course. This is according to the cyclical report published on Monday (20/01/25). survey “What worries the world” by the Ipsos center. In the ten-year history of the survey The mood in Germany has never been so bad.
According to the study, only a quarter of the country's citizens (27 percent) describe the economic situation as good. This is eleven percentage points less than in the previous year.
Migration is still a concern, although less so
For about one third (35%) of surveyed Germans Immigration is one of my top three personal worries. This puts immigration at the top of the worry barometer, although it has lost nine percentage points compared to the previous month. Second comes the question poverty and social inequality (33 percent) then inflation (31 percent).
German fears related to armed conflicts have significantly strengthened. They currently rank fourth on the list at 26 percent. This is an increase of seven percentage points compared to the previous month and ten percentage points compared to the previous year. In a global comparison, this puts Germany in third place out of 29 countries, behind Israel and Poland.
Crime and violence (25 percent) are mentioned by one in four Germans as one of the most important issues. Climate change (21 percent) and the healthcare system (20 percent) are concerns of about one in five Germans.
Read also: Germany in recession. And that's not the end of the problems. “One thing is surprising”
Fear of unemployment again
Shortly before elections to the Bundestag, Germans are also worried about the rise of extremism (21 percent). This is four percentage points more than in the previous month and five percentage points more than in the previous year.
While the fear of unemployment has not been a major issue in Germany for a long time, 14 percent of those surveyed are now concerned about their job. For comparison, the global average is 27 percent.
The results come from an Ipsos survey of more than 23,000 participants from 29 countries. In Germany, the survey was conducted among approximately one thousand people between November 22 and December 6, 2024.
The article comes from the website Deutsche Welle.