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The commission decided to arrest and bring Zbigniew Ziobro

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Zbigniew Ziobro, former Minister of Justice, currently an MP from Law and Justice, showed up late at the meeting of the Sejm committee on regulations, parliamentary affairs and immunity. Ultimately, the commission supported the motion to arrest him and bring him before the investigative commission into the Pegasus case. The vote was preceded by a long discussion.

Ziobro arrived at the committee meeting after 5 p.m., about 20 minutes late. PiS MPs they informed me that he was on his way. Due to this delay, a discussion broke out between PiS and KO MPs. PiS MPs requested a 10-minute break in the session, during which – as they argued – Ziobro would appear at the meeting. MP Michał Wójcik blamed the mayor of Warsaw for the delay Rafał Trzaskowski and traffic jams in the capital.

Read the report from the regulations committee meeting at tvn24.pl

Zbigniew Ziobro enters the meeting of the parliamentary regulations committeePAP

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An opposing motion was submitted by Civic Coalition MP Witold Zembaczyński. As he explained, Ziobro knew the date and time of the meeting and ignored them “just like he ignored the summons to the meetings of the investigative commission.”

During the vote, the committee members did not agree to a 10-minute break. They also voted that – despite the absence of the main person concerned – they would consider the investigative commission's request to detain and bring Ziobro.

The braggart gives you leave

At the beginning of the meeting, Ziobro's representative, MP Marcin Warchoł, spoke. He stated that agreeing to revoke Ziobro's immunity “will be consent to control of the courts by politicians.” – The Commission wants to verify court rulings. All decisions regarding Pegasus were approved by the courts, so you want to control an independent judiciary, he said. MP Warchoł also presented it to the chairman of the committee sick leave Zbigniew Ziobro covering November 4, i.e. the last date of the meeting at which the former Minister of Justice did not appear. He explained that the dismissal was not forwarded to the chairwoman of the Pegasus committee because it was illegal.

Sroka on “persistent disregard of witness duties”

The motion regarding Ziobro's case was presented by Magdalena Sroka of PSL-Trzecia Droga, the chairwoman of the investigative committee for Pegasus.

She indicated that Ziobro was summoned by the commission four times, but he did not appear. He failed to justify his absence twice. As she emphasized, Ziobro was treated by the investigative commission like any other citizen, despite the fact that – as she assessed – he himself showed a “strong sense of his own uniqueness.” – Strong, although in the context of legal provisions, unjustified – she said.

She recalled the situation from the beginning of October, when the police tried to serve Ziobro with a summons to a meeting of the investigative commission, which Ziobro allegedly considered as harassment of him. As she said, any citizen who does not respond to a summons sent by mail from a state authority can expect a visit from the police. Another time, Sroka said, a summons to a committee meeting was sent to Ziobro in three ways: by registered mail, e-mail and by the police. – The behavior of MP Zbigniew Ziobro is a persistent and deliberate disregard of his duties as a witness. This requires a firm and fair response, because this would happen to any other citizen in a state of law, said the MP.

Magdalena Sroka on the application in the case of Zbigniew ZiobroTVN24

20 minutes late

After Sroka's speech, Ziobro arrived at the meeting about 20 minutes late. – Do you think that I can be broken by some police, arrest or detention? You've got to be kidding. Law, constitution! – he told reporters during a short break in the committee meeting.

He emphasized that he appeared at the meeting of the regulations committee because it operated legally. In turn, the Pegasus commission – in his opinion – is “de facto removed by the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal”.

– I do not intend to tolerate the ostentatious violation of the law, which (…) is also expressed in relation to the judgments of the Constitutional Tribunal, which commented on the resolution establishing the investigative commission into the Pegasus case that it was contrary to the Polish constitution and indicated the need to change it – said Ziobro.

Ziobro: we will not forget this, we will settle it

– I would also like to add, so as not to leave any doubts, that if the Sejm adopts a resolution in accordance with the recommendations of the Constitutional Tribunal, even today, I am ready to appear before the Pegasus committee today – said the politician at the committee.

Ziobro also listed the actions of the current government and said: – This is a disgrace and we will not forget it, we will account for it.

He was threatening with his finger.

Zbigniew Ziobro at a meeting of the regulations committeePAP/Paweł Supernak

The former head of the Ministry of Justice also referred to his cancer disease. – At the beginning of my illness, I was saddened to hear the insinuations that I was allegedly faking the disease. Similarly, I read with sadness the manipulated opinion, which showed that allegedly in January or February I could have appeared before the then legal Pegasus commission, he said.

– The claim that a man who underwent an eight-hour, complicated operation to remove 20 centimeters of the esophagus, stomach and all the lymph nodes could appear before the investigative commission at that time is truly extreme impertinence and another disgrace that falls over your circles – he added.

READ ALSO: Zbigniew Ziobro made a public appearance

After about two hours of discussion, a motion was made to close it. The committee accepted it. At that moment, a brawl broke out in the room. PiS MPs protested, saying that they did not have time to speak, even though they registered.

The Pegasus Committee requested that Ziobro be brought in for questioning

Zbigniew Ziobro was summoned four times by the parliamentary investigative committee for Pegasus, but each time he did not show up. He presented his sick leave twice. Later, the investigative committee received an expert opinion, which – as informed by the head of the investigative committee, Magdalena Sroka (PSL-TD) – clearly shows that Ziobro can testify.

The head of the commission then announced that Ziobro would be questioned in a different format than previous witnesses, and the commission's meeting would be shorter. Ziobro then replied in a post on X that “no expert” had examined him or talked to him.

Then the former minister failed to appear before the investigative commission twice – on October 14 and November 4 – and did not justify the absence. Later, on social media, Ziobro referred to the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of September 10, which ruled that the scope of activities of the Pegasus investigative commission was unconstitutional and therefore he believed that the commission did not exist.

After Ziobro failed to appear for the fourth time, the parliamentary investigative committee for Pegasus decided to request his arrest and forcibly bring him for questioning – a request in this regard was sent to the prosecutor general on November 8. November 22 Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar submitted the request to the Speaker of the Sejm for the House to consent to the detention and forcible bringing of Ziobro to the committee meeting.

READ MORE IN KONKRET24: “Ziobro is the most frequently interrogated politician”? The leader is different

Main photo source: PAP/Paweł Supernak

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