Formal meetings Volodymyr Zelensky with Polish politicians scheduled for January 15. A visit to the Belweder Palace and a meeting with Andrzej Duda is scheduled for 1 p.m. Previously, the politician visited the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of… Donald Tusk. Author of the book “The Speaker's Body Language” Maurycy Seweryn he noticed the rules of diplomatic protocol early on. – A person who is a guest takes a specific position when greeting, stands on the left and is allowed to pass. Prime minister Tusk regulated with movements and gestures the direction in which President Zelensky should go – the expert tells us.
Body language during the meeting between Volodymyr Zelensky and Donald Tusk
However, during the meeting between Zelensky and Tusk, the body language expert noted not only formal but also image-related issues. – The hand position and position adopted by Zelensky, on the left side in relation to the photojournalists, is always a stronger position. His hand was always on top, slightly tilted, which means dominance over the other person – Maurycy Seweryn tells us. – Politicians very often fight for this place to appear stronger – he notes and adds that it was also important for Zelensky because he is shorter than Tusk. The expert also noticed another gesture expressing the Ukrainian president's desire to dominate. – A strong handshake, which is visible in the very strong muscle tension, especially the biceps – explains Maurycy Seweryn. He interprets shaking Tusk's hand as “demonstrative cordiality.” – At the same time, he treated the Pole as a conversation partner. Tusk, in turn, extended his hand “in the official version”. – She was slightly bent at the wrist, but at the same time almost straight. The type of conversation will be official, the specialist notes.
There is no friendship there
– adds Maurycy Seweryn.
The author of the book “The Speaker's Body Language” also drew attention to Volodymyr Zelensky's move. – He has practiced it over the last few years. This is a “warlike walk” with a hand position that I call “gorilla walk”. The hands fall along the body, move rhythmically, but are not placed with the back of the hand facing out, he explains.
Maurycy Seweryn explains that during the meeting the attitude of both politicians towards the talks was clearly visible. – Zelensky placed his hands around his hips. This is meant to signal modesty. On the other hand, he made a gesture called “bumper”, when the fingers slightly intertwine – the expert tells us.
This means: “I expect confrontation, but I am not afraid of this confrontation”
– he adds. The expert calculates that the position of the politician's legs is supposed to mean high self-confidence. – He also uses them when he meets Biden or Duda – Maurycy Seweryn tells us. – Zelensky is positioned centrally towards the people who are filming him, which means he is focused primarily on the media event. Only gently, with one hand, does he turn his body towards the Polish Prime Minister – the expert points out. He noticed something different in Tusk's case. – He almost completely oriented his body towards Zelensky. He only turned his head and partly his other arm towards the journalists. Zelensky is more important to him than the media coverage of this meeting, says Maurycy Seweryn.
This is how Donald Tusk behaved. You can see the stress
A body language expert assessed that Donald Tusk's true emotions reveal two elements. One of them is the positioning of the legs. – They are intertwined, which signals a defensive, closed attitude, discomfort, stress. This position is mixed with the so-called gesture. “starter”, i.e. the willingness to get up and finish this stage of the meeting – Seweryn tells us. The second thing he noticed in the prime minister's behavior was leaning his elbow on the arm of the chair. – On the one hand, it is a form of addressing the conversation partner, but the hand is placed in such a configuration that indicates distancing and separating oneself from him – he adds. What does this mean?
For some public figures, this means disagreeing with that person, for others, defense against a meeting, and for still others – stress, embarrassment.
– explains the expert in an interview with Plotek. According to Maurycy Seweryn, this was not the only signal that revealed Tusk's discomfort. In his opinion, this is also proven by the fact that the Prime Minister held his left hand between his knee and thigh. – If he felt authoritative, comfortable, wanted to demonstrate advantage, he would put his hand on armchair – the expert tells us.
Maurycy Seweryn also says directly in his analysis that “Zełenski will not win much.” – The more Tusk shows the interlocutor that he cares about him, i.e. bends his neck and declares a positive attitude, the less chance this person has of winning anything – he adds. – The desire to show partnership, positive relations with Ukraine and Zelensky, and at the same time being aware of many difficult conversations. It will not be an easy meeting – sums up the expert.