According to the commander of the Estonian army, Russia will not stop in Ukraine regardless of how the war ends. General Andrus Merilo said on Tuesday that Putin's reforms prove this.
Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Estonia he expressed the opinion that “the question is not so much whether Russia will take further offensive actions at all, but rather where it will find a weak point.” On the sidelines of the two-day (December 16-17) summit of the Group of Multinational Expeditionary Forces of Northern European countries JEF (Joint Expeditionary Force), General Merilo explained that this is evidenced by the recent changes taking place in the Russian army. However, he did not provide detailed information on this subject.
“Many were convinced that Russia would not attack”
The commander said that Estonia's goal must be “to be so ready and prepared for victory that the Russians will recognize that an invasion is impossible and they will not win the next war.”
– Just a few months before the attack on Ukraine in 2022, many were convinced that Russia will not attack its neighbor – recalled the military officer, quoted by the STT agency.
During the JEF summit, which consists of 10 countries (5 Nordic, 3 Baltic and… Netherlands and Great Britain) the issue of the possibility of using anti-personnel mines in defensive warfare was also raised. This would involve the need to denounce the Ottawa Convention banning their use.
Recently, the authorities have begun to consider such a decision Finland. General Andrus Merilo stated that the Estonian government is not currently considering using them.