Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity evokes mixed feelings. Most Poles still support the foundation's activities, according to a survey conducted by United Surveys for Wirtualna Polska. 54.3 percent of respondents assessed the activities of WOŚP as positive, but 36.8 percent of people considered the initiative's activities as negative. Almost nine percent have no opinion. However, many stars decide to support the Owsiak foundation every year, expressing their support for WOŚP. They are also in this group Anna and Robert Lewandowski. What did they offer this year?
The Lewandowskis support WOŚP. This can be auctioned off
We can find two different auctions online offered by the Lewandowski couple. Anna has a real treat for her fans. You can bid for a place on one of hers camps in Dojo Stara Wieś. In the auction description we can read that the winner will take part in “professional training conducted by Anna Lewandowska and her team”, meet inspiring people and have a chance to relax in beautiful natural surroundings. The camp will take place in May. Currently, you have to pay just over PLN 20,000 for this pleasure.
Robert Lewandowski has prepared a surprise for FC Barcelona fans. The football player has for the winner two tickets for the match club from Catalonia. But that's not all. The person who offers the highest amount will will take part in the team's training. The winner has until May 25 to complete. The current auction price is over PLN 66,000.
READ MORE: : The greenery boiled. It was about Owsiak. “Nothing to comment on”
Maciej Musiał will clean up for you. Ewa Chodakowska proposes a week of transformation
Maciej Musiał caused a media stir. The actor caused a sensation when he proposed that clean someone's house to the rhythm of “Explosion“. He raised the stakes when it turned out that he was joined by the authors of the cult song – Kalwi and Remi. Currently, the price is over PLN 100,000! Ewa Chodakowska She also got involved in helping and playing for WOŚP this year. A famous fitness trainer offers to the winning bidder transformation week. “During this week, we train together, eat healthily and practice relaxation. It is a time of stopping not only for the body but also for the soul – a time of deep reflection. After such a week, you will return home like a newborn!” – Chodakowska promises in the auction description. The price for a week of transformation is over PLN 36,000.