The Internet is boiling over Daniel Martyniuk's last recording. In it, the man insulted his father. According to the musician's wife, the 35-year-old was under the influence of drugs at the time. – I'm sure when he recorded this one moviehe was high. He is an addict and I have been trying to convince him to go to therapy for a long time. I had already arranged two centers for him (…) but he didn't go and the money was lost – she said in an interview with “Fakt”. ShowNews contacted the patron Piotr Kaszewiakto find out whether compulsory treatment is possible in this case. The matter is quite complicated.
The Martyniuks cannot force their son to undergo treatment. The lawyer explains
Piotr Kaszewiak said that in such cases, the patient's consent is always the most important. An exception may be a situation in which a person is incapacitated. – The Mental Health Protection Act provides for the possibility of compulsory psychiatric hospitalization if the person's current behavior indicates that, due to mental illness, they directly threaten their own life or the life or health of other people – says the attorney. – Hospitalization without consent is justified if the person's previous behavior indicates that he or she should not be admitted to hospital will result in a significant deterioration of her mental health or when a person is unable to meet their basic life needs on their own, and it is reasonable to expect that treatment in a psychiatric hospital will improve their health, he explains. READ MORE: Daniel Martyniuk insulted his father and his mother called him a junkie. Suddenly the priest interrupted
Daniel Martyniuk's wife spoke out. It talks about the secret hidden by Danuta
Faustyna posted a lengthy entry on her profilein which she addressed her mother-in-law directly. “Since June, Daniel has blocked your number because he knew you were messing with our marriage. You called him, my We have and the rest of the family. (…) If you don't feel like telling me anything, maybe tell me where you were from September 24 to 26, 2024, as a wife, mother and grandmother? (…) I hope that one day it will be revealed where you were and people will understand what is happening here,” she thundered. At the end she addedthat out of concern for her pregnancy, she is cutting herself off from social media for some time.
Need help?
If you are struggling with addiction or want to find out how you can help a loved one, you can contact specialists on duty at these numbers: National Addiction Helpline (daily from 4-9 p.m.): 800-199-990, Addiction Helpline (daily from 4-9 p.m.): 800-199-990, Addiction Helpline behavioral (daily from 5-10 p.m.): 800-889-880, Orange line for parents kids drinking alcohol (Monday to Friday, 2-8 p.m.): 801-140-068, National Emergency Service for Victims of Domestic Violence Blue Line (24 hours a day): 800-120-002. More information can be found on the websites National Center for Addiction Prevention.