As already we informeda dead wolf was found in the Tuchola Forest on 25 August. Lego was an adult male who had been wearing a telemetry collar for over a year, fitted by scientists from the University of GdaĆsk. Thanks to it, it was discovered that he had been illegally shot.
The prosecutor's office announced that the suspect's identity had been identified.
It turned out that Lego was shot by a hunter from one of the hunting clubs. The man went to the police himself and admitted his guilt. – The suspect admitted to committing the act. The content of the statements he gave shows that he thought he was shooting a fox, but he did not make sure – she reported, quoted by Prosecutor GraĆŒyna Wawryniuk from the District Prosecutor's Office in Gdansk.
The prosecutor's office did not apply preventive measures against him. Importantly, for the crime he is accused of, he faces a fine, restriction of freedom or deprivation of liberty for up to 5 years.
In Poland, many wolves are illegally killed every year.
“This is the ninth wolf we have tracked using telemetry. GPS–GSMwho was shot illegally,” it reported on its website facebook page Association for Nature “Wilk”.
As their research has shown, at least 140 wolves are killed with firearms in Poland every year. “This practice has intensified since mid-2017, when the then Minister of the Environment introduced the possibility of year-round night hunting of wild boars using thermal imaging and night vision devices. These devices allow for easy identification in the dark of all larger species of animals, including wolves,” the association added in its post.