On Wednesday, Poland was hit by a zone of heavy rainfall. As Karol Kierzkowski, spokesman for the Chief Commander of the State Fire Service, reported on TVN24 on Thursday, firefighters recorded a total of about a thousand interventions related to storms. – The most difficult situation is still in the Lublin province, in Zamość – he added.
On Wednesday, a zone of heavy rainfall passed through Poland. It rained particularly heavily in Zamość, where a flash flood occurred after the rainfall.. Flooding was also reported in Małopolska and Podkarpacie.
– Firefighters are still in the field, the effects of strong wind and flooding are being removed – Karol Kierzkowski, spokesman for the Chief Commander of the State Fire Service, informed TVN24 on Thursday morning. – We have recorded about a thousand interventions related to stormswhich passed through the entire country on Wednesday. The most difficult situation is still in the Lublin province in Zamosc. We recorded nearly 200 interventions there, 150 of which in Zamość alone – he added.
The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management reported on social media that a record was broken in Zamość on Wednesday. Rainfall totalling 142.8 litres per square metre was recorded over six hours. As Kierzkowski reported, in Zamość firefighters are still pumping water out of flooded streets, basements and underground garages.
Firefighters in the Wielkopolska province also recorded a lot of interventions – about 150, as well as in the south of the country, in Małopolska and Podkarpacie. – Fortunately, no injuries were reported. The removal of the effects of the storms is ongoing – added the spokesman for the State Fire Service.
Main image source: TVN24