United Surveys asked Poles whether they could imagine membership Ukrainy w European Union i NATO without settling accounts with the past. It is about the Volhynia crime committed during World War II. The research was commissioned by Wirtualna Polska.
59.5 percent respondents replied that it saw no place for Ukraine in the structures of Western organizations without resolving the Volhynia issue. There was an opposite opinion 24.9 percent respondents.
Importantly, until 15.6 percent survey participants was unable to clearly answer the question asked by the studio.
Volhynia. Karol Nawrocki set a condition for the Ukrainians
The candidate supported by PiS said that “today he does not see Ukraine in any structure. Neither in the European Union nor in NATO.” – A country that is unable to account for a very brutal crime worth PLN 120,000 cannot be part of international alliances. their neighbors – he explained.
– As president, I will tell them that our efforts would like to meet with partnership treatment on the Ukrainian side – he pointed out Karol Nawrocki.
Ukraine in Western structures? There is a new survey
The United Surveys survey shows that supporters of the ruling coalition (Civic Coalition, Third Way and New Left) are less radical in terms of Polish-Ukrainian settlements. 36 percent of them believe that the exhumation of the victims in Volhynia is not a necessary conditionto Kyiv entered the EU and NATO.
52% are of the opposite opinion. voters, and 12 percent no opinion. In the case of PiS supporters i Confederation 78 percent respondents sets a condition: Ukrainian membership in Western structures for settling the Volhynia crime. 20 percent think otherwise, and 2 percent chose the “difficult to say” option.
The United Surveys for Wirtualna Polska was conducted on December 20-22, 2024 using the CATI and CAWI methods on a representative group of one thousand adult Poles.