Giant fees were waiting for drivers from Atlanta, who abandoned their cars on icy roads. Many people had to leave their vehicles during the unusual snowstorms for this region, which last week hit the south-eastern United States.
At the beginning of last week storm Śnieżna came to many southern states, including Texas, Louisiana, Georgia and Florida. Winter attack turned out to be the more severe These regions rarely have the opportunity to face the werb and blurred. Snow plows borrowed from other states went on the streets, and drivers, unwashed to icy roads, had a lot of problems with controlling vehicles.
The bill increases with each day
The snowstorm caused road paralysis in Atlanta, the capital of Georgia. Despite the difficult conditions, many residents decided to go to roads, but slippery surfaces and poor visibility prevented them from traveling. Some people decided to leave the vehicles and return home on foot, and some stayed in cars for the night, waiting for help.
As Motor Biscuit described, the drivers wanted to go back for the cars when the weather conditions improved, but before they succeeded, the cars were towed. This was associated with large fees – one of the inhabitants of Atlanta said that he had to pay almost 750 dollars, or over 3000 zlotys. He explained that the towing was carried out by private companies and the bill increases every day.
During a snowstorm, over a hundred cars were abandoned on the streets of Atlanta. As the city authorities explained, the towing was necessary to enable the crossing of public vehicles.
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