Today's weather. Friday 6.09 will be sunny and with high thermometer readings. The temperature at the warmest point of the day will reach 31 degrees Celsius. There will be gusty winds at times.
Friday will bring a sunny and pleasant weather. In mountainous regions, there may be occasional showers. The temperature will reach a maximum of 27 degrees Celsius in Pomerania to 31 degrees Celsius in the center. The wind will be moderate, occasionally gusty, reaching speeds of up to 40 kilometers per hour. It will come from the east and southeast.
Biometeo conditions on Friday
Air humidity will remain at 30-40 percent. It will be hot all over Poland, and the biomet will be neutral.
Today's weather – Warsaw
Friday in Warsaw it looks like it will be sunny. The thermometers will show up to 30-31 degrees Celsius. The wind will be moderate, sometimes gusty, from the east and south-east. The pressure is fluctuating, at noon it will reach 1006 hPa.
Today's weather – Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot
IN Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot cloudiness will be small. The thermometers will show up to 27 degrees Celsius. Moderate, periodically gusty, east and north-east winds will blow. Pressure fluctuates, at noon it will reach 1020 hPa.
Today's weather – Poznan
Friday in Poznan will bring sunny weather. Temperature will rise to maximum 30 degrees Celsius. Moderate wind will be gusty at times, easterly. Pressure fluctuates, at noon it will reach 1006 hPa.
Today's weather – Wroclaw
In Wroclaw Friday is expected to be cloudless. Thermometers will show up to 29-30 degrees Celsius. Moderate, at times gusty, southeast wind will blow. Pressure at noon will reach 1001 hPa.
Today's weather – Krakow
IN Krakow on Friday we will have some cloud cover. Temperature will rise to 29-30 degrees Celsius. Moderate, periodically gusty wind will be east or southeast. Pressure at noon will reach 990 hPa.
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