The Ukrainian police announced on Thursday that she had carried out 700 searches i She arrested 22 people as part of the investigation into illegal weapons and ammunition. The action took place in cooperation with the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU).
Criminals traded weapons acquired in the Russians
According to the police, “suspects Thousands of cartridges were confiscated various caliber, assault rifles, grenades, machine guns and navy blue. defenders, received from Russian soldiers on the battlefield.
On the video recording made available by law enforcement agencies you can see how The officers balance the doorprotect ammunition and cash. The statement states that the suspect is in danger punishment up to seven years in prison.
Ukrainian services gave the details of the action in three circuits
SBU gave the details of the action in the Kiev region, where it was detained soldier and his four partnerswhen they tried to sell the RSZG-2 grenade launcher. In turn, in the Å»ytomierski region Brothers were detained – One of them stayed on the front and sent the acquired weapon by post. In the Poltavian region Recididists were includedwho returned to the sale of weapons after prior detention.
“After conducting procedural activities busy The weapon will be transferred to the needs of the armed forces of Ukraine” – we read in the SBU statement.
The Ukrainian police reminded that in September 2024 she confiscated in Kiev Weapons and explosives worth over 38 tys. euro. A month earlier, suspects of arms trade were arrested in west of Ukraine, confiscating 20 assault riflesover 70 pistols, dozens of grenades and almost 49 thousand ammunition pieces.