Jamie Lee Komoroski, who got behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol and hit a newlywed couple returning from their wedding, was sentenced to 25 years in prison. At the time of the collision, the 27-year-old was exceeding the speed limit twice. The bride died in the accident. Komoroski pleaded guilty.
A Charleston County court sentenced Jamie Lee Komoroski to 25 years in prison. The woman pleaded guilty to the charges of driving under the influence of alcohol and causing death “due to recklessness.”
In April last year, the 27-year-old drove a speeding car into a decorated golf cart in which 36-year-old Aric Hutchinson and his wife, 34-year-old Samantha, were returning from their wedding. Bride she died on the spot.
The accident occurred in Folly Beach, South Carolina. The blood alcohol content allowed by local law for a driver is 0.8 per mille. The amount found in Komoroska's blood was more than three times higher. According to information provided by the police, the perpetrator of the accident also significantly exceeded the speed limit. She was traveling at a speed of 65 miles (105 km/h) on a road with a speed limit of 25 miles per hour (approx. 40 km/h).
“She destroyed many people's lives”
The golf cart in which the bride and groom were traveling rolled several times as a result of the collision with Komoroski's car. The bride died on the spot. Just before her death, the woman allegedly told her newlywed husband that “I want this night to never end“. 36-year-old Aric Hutchinson was taken to hospital in a serious condition as a result of the accident. Two relatives who were driving the newlyweds were also injured.
– I would like to turn back time and avoid this terrible tragedy. But I can't. I will deeply regret what happened that night for the rest of my life, Komoroski said during the hearing. The 27-year-old admitted that it was only after the accident that she realized she had an addiction problem. She also declared that for the rest of her life she would try to make others aware of the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol.
Brad Warner, the victim's father, said he would not accept an apology from Komoroska. Addressing the 27-year-old directly, he said that she “destroyed many people's lives” and that he “will always hate her.” Last year, mother Lisa Miller made a similar statement. The woman emphasized that what happened to her daughter “was not an accident” but a consequence of Komoroska's decision. – This woman decided to have a drink and get behind the wheel – she said.
Samantha and Aric Hutchinson before leaving the wedding receptiongofundme.com
Main photo source: gofundme.com