Water discharge: On Friday, the US authorities began to drop large amounts of water from two at Central Valley, California. US President Donald Trump He informed in social media that in one day 1.6 billion gallons of water would be drained (i.e. OK. 6 billion liters), and in three days it will be 5.2 billion gallons (approx. 19.6 billion liters). He assessed that if the previous authorities made a similar decision in the past, it was six years ago “there would be no fire“In California. He also posted a photo and wrote that” everyone should be satisfied with this hard -won victory. “
Trump appealed to “unscrew the valve”: At the beginning of January, they broke out in California Powerful fires. Donald Trump claimed that the governor of this state of Gavin News could solve the problem of water shortage in southern California if he “unscrewed the valve” and released large amounts of water from northern California. “Water reserves from northern California have not played any role in the extinguishing of the fires in the County Los Angeles. Hydrants in Pacific Palisades have dried because the urban water system was not designed to extinguish so many fires at the same time. The reservoir that supplied the area was empty due to maintenance problems, and not because of the lack of deliveries to southern California ” – I'm writing “The New York Times”.
Experts criticize: Laura Ramos, temporary research director and education From the University of California in Fresno, she explained that the release of large amounts of water would not alleviate fires because The water will not reach southern California. She added that Residents are afraid of the floodbecause the release of large amounts of water can lead to Renewal of Lake Tulare. In turn, Peter Gleick, an expert from the Pacific Institute, said in an interview with “Los Angeles Times “that water reserves will be needed for farmers in the coming months.
Read also: “There is nothing left of burned houses in Los Angeles. 'It may be surprising for Europeans'“.
Sources: Donald Trump on X, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times