How Donald Trump will organize our world, part 1. Money is the most important thing
It was the strangest presidential campaign in recent US history. So we should expect that the next chapter will be at least as… peculiar. Where does this thesis come from? And what four years will Americans, Europeans, and residents of the Middle and Far East face under Donald Trump's rule?
Before we go looking for answers to the above questions, let's take a moment to look at this amazing gallery of curiosities. The year 2024 allowed us to see:
- the worst performance by a candidate in the history of US presidential debates (at least since they are televised);
- attempted murder of a candidate;
- giving up the fight for the re-election of the incumbent president so soon before the elections;
- election of a successor in emergency mode.
And that's still not all. Because for the first time in American history, the president will be a man whom the jury said “guilty!”
Only once before has it happened that someone was president of the US twice in terms that were not consecutive.
Donald Trump returns to office after Congress twice tried to remove him from office through impeachment.
Not so long ago, each of these things would have been a greater or lesser sensation. But these accumulated facts force us to draw one conclusion: there is no point in counting on anything ordinary. When I wrote an analysis of 2024 in the context of American politics a year ago, it became clear that Donald Trump really has a chance to win the autumn presidential elections. Even though so much happened, this vision came true. Paradox: on the one hand, the world took this into account. On the other hand, he still doesn't believe it.
So how did we get here?
“I push and push to get what I want”
Do you remember when Donald Trump suggested that he would tell Putin to do “whatever the hell he wants” to a NATO ally? Or maybe you remember how Trump wanted to break up the agreement with South Korea, which is extremely important from the point of view of American national security? If you don't remember, it doesn't matter – we will come back to his words and views a little later. But one thing that's worth knowing now is that both cases were about money.
And this is my key advice – to look at Trump's decisions (expected and taken) through the prism of money, which can have two types of nature.
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