Elon Musk bought Twitter (currently known as “X”) in 2022. The court in California ordered Musk's platform to disclose a list of investors who were involved in the deal. The magazine reported “Fortune”it includes, among others, the 8VC Opportunities Fund II.
Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter was financed by a fund employing the sons of Russian oligarchs
The employees of 8VC Opportunities Fund II include Jack Moszkowicz and Denis Aven – sons of Russian oligarchs Vadim Moszkowicz and Petro Aven, who are subject to Western sanctions due to their ties to Vladimir Putin.
Vadim Moshkovych is a businessman active in the development and agricultural sectors. He owns a significant part of the most fertile Russian lands. Petr Aven is considered a close friend Putin. The billionaire was, among others, co-owner of Alfa-Bankthe largest private bank in Russia.
Founder of 8VC Opportunities Fund II writes about “attacks by leftist journalists”
Some commentators believe that the presence of 8VC Opportunities Fund II on the list of investors who enabled Musk to buy Twitter may indicate the American businessman's ties to Russian oligarchs. Joe Lonsdale, the founder of the aforementioned fund, spoke out on the matter. In his opinion, the reports of 8VC Opportunities Fund II's ties to Russian oligarchs are a reaction to Lonsdale's support for Donald Trump before the November elections. US presidential election.
“After it came out that I supported Trump in the election, it was no surprise that I was attacked by leftist journalists,” Joe Lonsdale wrote on X. The man emphasized that the employees he hired had the appropriate competences to perform the duties entrusted to them. He even called Jacek Moszkowicz the fund's “superstar.” Lonsdale firmly rejected allegations about the fund's connections with businessmen close to Putin.
“I hate Putin and fought to help eliminate terrorists, save billions dollars and make us more competent at deterring our adversaries (…). But we also do important work in other areas, and I happen to disagree that isolating smart, wealthy Russians is a good strategy for us,” Joe Lonsdale said.