In more than two hundred years of US history, he is not the first former president to return to the White House, but he will certainly be the first to take office with a criminal conviction. The inauguration of Donald Trump's presidency will take place on Monday. Material from the “Poland and World” magazine. The entire edition is available on TVN24 GO.
Presidential inauguration Donald Trump will take place in circumstances that America has not seen in 40 years. For the first time since Ronald Reagan's inauguration in 1985, the ceremony will be moved inside the Capitol, because forecasts indicate a frost of several degrees in the American capital. The temperature felt can even reach minus 20 degrees Celsius.
Americanist Dr. Karol Szulc announces that crowds will watch the event. – Many companies, such as Meta and Amazon, have contributed to the organizational fund, so I think it will be a big spectacle – he says.
Sznajder: now there will be absolute loyalty
Donald Trump already took the oath of office eight years ago – four years ago, when, according to custom, the previous president hands over the office to his successor, he was absent. Now he will stand with his hand on the American constitution at 6 p.m. Polish time. Before this happens, there will be a service at 2 p.m. in the Washington Cathedral, a short reception at the White House and the inauguration. The new vice president, JD Vance, will take the oath of office before the president. Then Trump will deliver his inaugural speech.
Michał Sznajder, a TVN24 BiS journalist and an expert in American politics, points out that Trump is entering the White House richer with the experience of his first term, with people he selected in a way that leaves no doubt that they may have any doubts.
– Now there will be absolute loyalty. No one will stick a stick in his spokes, no one will trip him up, no one will internally make it difficult for him to achieve what he wants, he believes.
Donald TrumpGettyImages
This team consists of people who have been with him from the very beginning of his decision to fight for re-election. People who believed in Trump when no one believed in him.
Michał Sznajder, paying attention to the lawsuits, states that Trump “knew perfectly well who was sitting behind him, who was coming to New York and who was supporting him.” – Then it was in the reports, who is there, who is sitting, who publishes entries, who supports him and it was an amazing test – he adds.
Now he returns with the feeling that his second term is the time when he must implement everything he has dreamed of – with people who, using his rhetoric, will not betray him.
– Donald Trump may come back with the feeling: “I was right and in the end you chose me, not the progressive liberal left that “spoiled America so badly” – says Michał Sznajder.
The inauguration is to be a demonstration
After taking the oath and saying goodbye to the departing hosts of the White House, at 9 p.m. Polish time there will be a ceremonial drive to the White House with a military escort and a parade. The first decisions signed in the Oval Office will also be made.
Michał Sznajder reminds that Donald Trump mentioned during one of his rallies that he would be “a dictator only for the first day.” – It is possible that on the first day he will want to sign regulations that will allow him to make the most controversial, and for others the most expected, decisions that he will want to implement as president – he explains.
The TVN24 BiS journalist reminds that Trump really wants to reform America. – When he takes power, he will be older than Joe Bidenwhen he took power. He cannot run for a third time either, he points out.
This inauguration is also intended to be a demonstration. Foreign politicians almost never took part in it, but now Donald Trump's office has invited right-wing Georgia Meloni, head of the European ECR party Mateusz MorawieckiSpanish head of the far-right VOX party Santiago Abascal, and also far-right president Argentina and the president China. Xi is unlikely to come because there is not enough time to organize such a trip, but he will probably send the vice president.
– In both Trump campaigns, China appeared as the main enemy, but now it is perceived as a good gesture – says Dr. Karol Szulc.
Politics is a theater of gestures, but the content also counts. The balanced and respected Senator Marco Rubio will take care of this on foreign stages – the question about the Department of Defense, where the candidate is a former soldier and a FOX TV showman. After the weekend everything will become clear.
Main photo source: PAP/EPA/GRAEME SLOAN