Anton Herashchenko made a statement on Saturday morning on the X platform about the drone attack on the oil storage facility in Russia. The advisor to the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs referred to “Russian channels” on social media.
“According to eyewitnesses Five drones were seen in the city of Proletarsk in the Rostov region” – wrote Herashchenko. A huge fire broke out at the site of the attack, diesel fuel tanks are burning.
“The governor of the Rostov region said that the air defense system 'repulsed the drone attack.' But allegedly due to falling debris, diesel fuel in industrial warehouses caught fire.” – we read in the entry accompanied by photos of the fire.
War in Ukraine. Series of attacks on Russian infrastructure
This is not the first time critical infrastructure has burned in Russia. For some time now The Kremlin is dealing with a series of attacks on ammunition depots and other facilitiesthe shelling of which leads to fires.
In early August, a fire ravaged the territory of the largest refinery in Russia in the town of Omsk.
Ukrainian offensive
Since August 6, Ukrainians have been trying to distract the enemy by conducting offensive operations on Russian territory. Although there is no direct confirmation that the situation Herashchenko described on social media on Saturday is part of the offensive, Russia has blamed the Ukrainian side for the incident.
Kyiv assures that during its counter-offensive “strictly complies with humanitarian law” and does not plan to annex any territory during the attack. The action is aimed at destabilizing the Russian army and raising the morale of soldiers from Ukraine.
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