Self -proclaimed president Belarus Alaxandr Lukashenko He met in Minsk with journalists, with whom he talked, among others about potential room in Ukraine. The dictator then revealed that he expected that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will end this year.
– There will be a solution this year. I'm not saying that war and other things will end. Probably the conflicts will be a long time. But the solution will be. The light in the tunnel will appear this year he said.
Lukashenko bodes peace in Ukraine. Sees “light in the tunnel”
Lukashenko constantly assures that he is a supporter of peace in Ukraine as soon as possible, but she does not hide that she expects that when he gets along Kiev z Moscow they will be taken into account first of all Russian interests.
– Russianowhere without her. No America will never force Russia (…) He can't poke us – said Lukashenko.
The politician also pointed out that if the war does not end quickly, millions of people die, and this “nobody needs”. – We have to stop. And this It lies primarily in interest Europe – he emphasized.
The dictator proposes to send Belarusian peace forces to Ukraine
During the press conference, Alaxandr Lukashenko also referred to his own vision of the best solution in Ukraine. So he boldly declared that they should enter the country “Belarusian peace forces“.
– Nothing but the Belarusian army. This does not mean that I will send my army there as peace forces – 70,000 – I will set them up there. But Only the Belarusian army will do it in the name that it would be as they arranged. There are no others. Everyone else will pull either west or east. This is why They can only arrange Belarusian peace forces he said.
In his opinion Neither the West nor Ukraine, however, will not agree to such a solution And they will want to “push their own”, although it will not “answer the Russian side”. Ultimately, he believes, negotiations that the “weaker” will lose.