Macierewicz has 31 penalty points and is still allowed to drive
Photo: Tomasz Gzell / PAP
– MP Antoni Macierewicz could legally drive a car on Tuesday, December 10, and will be able to do so for the next week – confirms the former deputy head of the capital's traffic police, Wojciech Pasieczny. But how is this possible when he already had 31 penalty points on November 20, and your driving license is lost after 24 points? So when will he finally lose them?
December 10. MP Antoni Macierewicz drives his car near Piłsudski Square, where, as every month, the Smolensk Monthly celebrations are planned. He parks illegally and, according to the police, “another citizen” sees it. He alerts the traffic police.
The police arrest the MP a short time later when he is already in the driver's seat. – We stopped his driving license – they say after the inspection.
– Only now? – some people are surprised. Is it possible that a driver who overtook at a pedestrian crossing last month, crossed a solid double line, entered a bicycle lane, and has over 30 penalty points on his account, could drive legally?
Wojciech Pasieczny replies that it is possible. The specialist told us about the procedures and when the policy's driving license will no longer be valid.
We also asked the capital's traffic police about the matter.
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