The importance of this street increased rapidly after the opening of the pedestrian and bicycle bridge over the Vistula River. In about two years, Okrzei is to be Prague's answer to the Royal Route. Pedestrians and cyclists will benefit at the expense of drivers, who will be left with one lane. There will be more greenery.
– The bridge will have a positive impact on the functionality of the area around Okrzei Street in Praga. After the reconstruction is completed, this street and its surroundings will completely change their character – he announced last spring, during the opening of a new crossing over the VistulaMayor of Warsaw RafaÅ‚ Trzaskowski. After words, it was time for actions. The rebuilt Okrzei is to be a Praga alternative to the Royal Route.
Source: C. WarÅ›/UM Warszawa
Bicycle path and wider sidewalks
After the design work was completed by Meritum Projekt, the Municipal Roads Authority announced a tender for construction works. After signing the contract, the selected contractor will have 17 months to complete all the works.
The reconstruction of Okrzei Street is to be a space with priority for pedestrians and cyclists. “Instead of asphalt, there will be an aesthetic stone surface and rows of trees. There will be one lane for cars and buses – traffic, as before, will be one-way. On the northern side of Okrzei Street, a two-way bicycle path will be built, and wide promenades on both sides for pedestrians and space for catering gardens,” officials described in the press release.
This means that Okrzei will be narrower for drivers. Today, from Wybrzeże Szczecińskie to Jagiellońska (this section will be modernized), the street is two-lane, except for a short section between Panieńska and Krowia, where there is one lane. The diagram presented by the officials does not include parking spaces, although it was signaled that those for suppliers and people with disabilities were included.
Source: ZDM Warszawa
There will be more greenery – 74 trees will be planted
The central parts of the intersections with Panieńska, Krowią and Sierakowski streets will be raised. Unfortunately, the connection between Okrzeja and the Szczecin Coast will not change, as we wrote a few days ago a few months ago on>>>
The sidewalks will be wider, providing more space for food gardens.
As officials assured, one of the investment priorities is environmental care. “As part of the reconstruction, 74 new trees will be planted, which will create rows. There are also plans for new flower beds, shrubs and small architecture. The selected vegetation will be adapted to urban conditions,” they said.
Among others, small-fruited pear and red maple will appear in Okrzeja. The trees will be planted in frames, as in the so-called Five Corners Square.
The reconstruction will also include the modernization of the water, sewage, energy and lighting networks.
Source: C. WarÅ›/UM Warszawa
Architectural competition for the next fragment
In the near future, the Office of Architecture and Spatial Planning is to announce a competition that will include, among others: the square between Okrzei and KÅ‚opotowskiego streets, FloriaÅ„ska street and Weteranów 1863 square. “Its main goal will be to select an architectural and urban concept that will, to the greatest extent possible, improve the quality and accessibility of public space and facilitate pedestrian and bicycle communication in this area,” road designers said.
Author: mg/day
Main photo source: C. WarÅ›/UM Warszawa