Weather for today. Thursday, 30.01 will usually bring a cheerful aura, only a poor rain can fall. Thermometers will show 7 to 12 degrees Celsius.
Thursday in the north of the country will be marked by a cloudy aura, in places there will be poor rainfall with a total of three liters per square meter. In other regions it will be quite cheerful, and in the south and south -east – sunny. The maximum temperature will be from 7-8 degrees Celsius in the north, for 9-10 degrees C in the center of the country, to 11-12 degrees Celsius in the south. The southwestern wind will turn out to be weak and moderate, quite strong on the coast.
Weather forecast for
Biometeorological conditions
Air humidity during the day will be 60-80 percent. Inhabitants of all of Poland will feel thermal comfort. Biometeo conditions will be unfavorable in Pomerania and Western Pomerania, and neutral at the waist from the western border, through Żuławy, Warmia and Masuriaafter Podlasie. In the rest of the country, the weather will have a positive effect on our well -being.
Weather for today – Warsaw
Before the inhabitants Warsaw Cheerful Thursday. The temperature at the warmest moment of the day will rise to 10 degrees C. The southwestern wind will be weak and moderate. The pressure increases, at noon it will reach 1007 hPa.
Weather for today – Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot
Thursday in Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot It will bring a cloudy aura with clearings, and rain falls. Thermometers will show a maximum of 8 degrees C. Southwestern, moderate and quite strong wind will blow. The pressure increases, at noon it will reach 1015 hPa.
Weather for today – Poznań
Residents Cognition A fairly cheerful Thursday is waiting. The maximum temperature will be 9 degrees C. Southwestern wind will prove to be weak and moderate. The pressure increases, at noon it will reach 1006 hPa.
Weather for today – Wrocław
On Thursday in Wrocław A fairly cheerful aura will add. On thermometers we will see a maximum of 10 degrees C. southwestern wind will blow poorly and moderately. The pressure increases, at noon will increase to 1003 hPa.
Weather for today – Krakow
Thursday in Krakow It promises to be sunny. Thermometers will show a maximum of 12 degrees C. Southwestern, weak and moderate wind. The pressure increases, at noon it will reach 993 hPa.
Road conditions on
Source of the main photo: Spring aura in Przemyśl