Weather for today. On Wednesday, in a part of the country we can expect clouds and poor rainfall. However, there will be regions in which the sun will look out. At the warmest moment, thermometers will show 7 degrees Celsius.
On Wednesday, in the western parts of the country and Pomerania, the increase in cloud cover is forecasted. In the afternoon it falls poorly or it will steal. In the rest of the country it will get cheerful – the more east, the more sunny. However, fog may appear in the morning. The maximum temperature will be from 3 degrees Celsius in the Suwałki region and the Lublin region, through 4-5 degrees C in the center of the country, to 7 degrees C in Lower Silesia. It will blow poorly and moderately from the north and west.
Weather forecast for
Biometeorological conditions – Wednesday, 5.02
Air humidity will reach 60-90 percent. We will feel the cold. Biomet will be varied – the further southeast, the better the aura will affect our well -being.
Biometeorological conditions on
Weather for today – Warsaw
On Wednesday in Warsaw It will be cheerful, although fog may appear in the morning. In the evening he will start to cloud. On thermometers we will see a maximum of 4 degrees C. North and west, weak and moderate wind will blow. The pressure at noon will be 1020 hPa.
Weather for today – Tri -City
IN Gdynia, Gdańsk and Sopot On Wednesday, cloudy will grow to a large one. In the afternoon it may rain poorly. Thermometers will show a maximum of 5 degrees C. The weak and moderate wind from the north and west will blow. At noon, the pressure will reach 1030 hPa.
Weather for today – Poznań
IN Cognition On Wednesday, the expected small clouds increasing to a large one. In the evening it may fall a bit. The maximum temperature will reach 5 degrees C. Poor and moderate wind will blow from the west. At noon on barometers we will see 1021 hPa.
Weather for today – Wrocław
Residents Wrocław They can expect a small cloudiness on Wednesday, which will gradually grow to a large one. He may fall poorly in the evening. The maximum temperature will be 7 degrees C. The weak and moderate western wind will blow. At noon, barometers will show 1019 hPa.
Weather for today – Krakow
IN Krakow Wednesday will be marked by the sunny aura. Fogs are possible in the morning. On thermometers we will see a maximum of 6 degrees C. There will be a weak and moderate wind from the north and west. At noon, the pressure will reach 1005 hPa.
Road conditions on
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