I believe that we will reach a compromise on civil partnerships and at least one of the laws will be implemented, because 1.5 million Poles are waiting for it – declared the deputy chairwoman of the Polish People's Party Urszula Pasławska. The deputy minister of family, labor and social policy Aleksandra Gajewska (Civic Coalition) commented on the guidelines published by the Ministry of Health on the regulations concerning access to the procedure for terminating pregnancy in “Kropka nad i”. – These actions were taken in order to fully protect women in today's legal order – she said.
On August 30, the Ministry of Health presented guidelines on the regulations regarding access to the procedure for terminating pregnancy. They are an interpretation of the current law on terminating pregnancy. They indicate, among other things, that a threat to a woman's life or health are two independent premises and that the occurrence of only one of them is sufficient to terminate the pregnancy and that the regulations do not determine what area the threat to health should concern. It can be both physical and mental. It was also emphasized that only one medical specialist's opinion is required to determine a threat to a woman's health or life.
This issue was commented on in “Kropka nad i” by the Deputy Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy Aleksandra Gajewska (Civic Coalition) and the Deputy Chairwoman of the Polish People's Party Urszula Pasławska.
– These actions were taken to fully protect women in today's legal system, where they may need to terminate a pregnancy due to their mental state, health or life. And in this respect, when it comes to health protection, if there is a premise, even related to the woman's mental health, and one doctor confirms this diagnosis, the woman should have access to a guaranteed medical service, which is termination of pregnancy – said Gajewska.
Asked whether it is specified up to which week of pregnancy this can happen, the KO MP replied that she is not familiar with this interpretation, so she would rather not state “yes or no” now. – However, when it comes to the prosecutor's office, it later has full tools to investigate this, but it is aware that it enters the most intimate spheres of a woman's life and must treat her with dignity – she added.
Urszula Pasławska noted that “if the regulations are not detailed, the minister will specify them”. – I am convinced that minister Leszczyna will do this and this is the right direction – she said. – As long as there is no liberalized abortion law, and I believe that at least one of the laws will be passed this year, then we should proceed in the same way as the minister – she emphasized.
What about civil partnerships?
Vice-President PSL was asked if her party had decided to introduce civil partnerships. – Of course, they have to be, we have to regulate it, if only because the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights oblige us to do so. And I believe that we will reach a compromise here, and at least one of the laws will be implemented, because 1.5 million Poles are waiting for it – he said.
As she pointed out, “the registry office should certainly keep appropriate registers, because that is the right place.” – As for the entire ceremony, that is a matter of convention. The devil is in the details, and we will talk about that – added Pasławska.
– I am convinced that a very large part of our society, which lives in such relationships, is waiting for their legalization. And the electorate of the ruling coalition also supports these solutions to such a large extent that it should not pose any problems – Gajewska noted.
Main image source: TVN24