The Civic Coalition enjoys the greatest support, which is 32.1 percent, followed by Law and Justice with 29.2 percent. Next is Konfederacja, which obtained 13.7 percent – according to a survey by Opinia24. The ratings of KO and PiS are slightly lower than in the previous survey from November, while Konfederacja has strengthened its third position. Next are the Third Way and the Left. As the studio notes, the latter achieved “the weakest result since the elections” in 2023.
In the latest survey regarding Poles' electoral preferences, carried out periodically by the Opinia24 studio, respondents were asked which committee they would vote for if the parliamentary elections were held next Sunday.
The Civic Coalition took the lead with 32.1 percent. votes of the respondents. This a decrease of 1.9 percentage points compared to the previous surveyconducted on November 12-15.
It came in second place Law and Justice with 29.2 percent support (decrease by 0.8 pp). She placed third Confederation with a result of 13.7 percent (increase by 0.7 pp).
9.9% would vote for the Third Way. respondents' votes (increase by 2.1 percentage points). The studio points out in a comment that “compared to the previous month, the percentage of people planning to vote for the Third Way has increased the most.”
The left received the support of 6.7 percent. (decrease by 1.5 pp). The Razem party is next in the poll with 2.5 percent support. The “other party” option was chosen by 1.5 percent, and the answer “difficult to say” was given by 4.4 percent. subjects.
“The left this month has its weakest result since the 2023 elections.”
The center's expert, Urszula Krassowska, noted in her opinion on the survey that “if the elections were held in early December, support for the Civic Coalition and Law and Justice would be slightly lower than in November.”
“The Confederation strengthened its third position. Third Droga also gained. A smaller percentage of voters chose the Left. It is clear that the departure of the Razem Party could have resulted in a drop in ratings. This month, the Left has the weakest result since the 2023 elections,” she added.
According to the analyst, “although declarations of voting in potential parliamentary elections are an important indicator of social mood, the attention of the media and the world of politics is increasingly focused on next year's presidential elections.” “Candidates will certainly be assessed in connection with the activities of the groups that support them, even though all those running for president emphasize their independence,” added Urszula Krassowska.
The survey was conducted using computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) and online interviews (CAWI) on December 3-6, 2024 on a sample of 1,001 adult people.
Main photo source: PAP/Rafał Guz