– At the moment, we have a partially secured amount in the budget, which is two billion PLN. (…) We have to prepare a second, off-budget part. Freezing energy prices always has several pillars of financing, it has never been financed entirely in the budget. We are now building this second leg and then we will be able to present the final solution – said Paulina Hennig-Kloska, Minister of Climate and Environment, on Wednesday, August 28, on TVP Info.
Will electricity prices increase? Paulina Hennig-Kloska: We have the situation under control
The head of this ministry assured that electricity price increases will not get out of control. – We have the situation under control. Just as we promised for the second half of this year, that these increases will be at an acceptable level – she emphasized. She also pointed out that the cost of extending the maximum price for households for another whole year will amount to approx. PLN 4.5 billion. – We have already secured half of this amount, we are looking for the other half – she explained.
The draft budget for 2025 includes PLN 2 billion for “freezing” electricity, heat and gas prices. However, this is four times less than was allocated for this purpose in 2024.
Higher electricity prices from July 1
According to the tariff changes approved by the Energy Regulatory Office, from July 1, 2024 until the end of the year, the maximum price for electricity is PLN 500/MWh for households, and for small and medium-sized enterprises – PLN 693/MWh. Until June 30, households paid PLN 412/MWh up to the designated consumption limits, and after exceeding them, the price was PLN 693/MWh.