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Will it be a fashion victim or an icon? The expert gave her verdict. “Her choices are a path through torment”

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Doda has been present on the scene for over 20 years. No one is surprised that her style has evolved along with the music and the artist's personality. – Analysis of Doda's style is a journey through a kaleidoscope of fascination with stars – both from the international and Polish music scene. Her story is a warning against blindly following someone else's style and losing authenticity. Sometimes less really means more – says Ewa Rubasińska-Ianiro in an interview with Plotek.

Watch the video Doda boasted about the changes. “Ready for a new chapter?”

Doda in “Bar” and the band Virgin. “She was real then”

Although the beginnings of Doda's career included appearances in Studio Buffo and the reality show “Bar”, the breakthrough moment was the start of her cooperation with the Virgin band. At that time, according to the fashion expert, the singer's style was the most characteristic and authentic. – Without a trace of malice, but with full objectivity, I must admit that the only period in which Dorota actually tried to create her own style was when she was just starting out: participation in the “Bar” program and activities in the Virgin band – admitted Rubasińska-Ianiro.

Back then, her youthful, spontaneous and slightly festival aesthetic was authentic – it perfectly matched her musical message. This provincial girl, dreaming of being the Polish equivalent of foreign pop icons, had charm and freshness in her.

– the expert further stated.

Doda in 'Bar' Photo KAPiF

– Yes, this artist was always ready to do anything to attract attention, but paradoxically, its greatest strength was its initial image. She didn't have to imitate anyone – viewers loved her for her honesty and consistency. Unfortunately, instead of landing on the pages of “Vogue”, she headed astray into fashion – the specialist explained to us.

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In later years, Doda was to lose “that something”. “Blindly copying the style of artists she admired”

The specialist noted that Doda's further musical success and focus on a solo career, “instead of becoming a springboard for self-discovery, turned into a tool to erase the previous imagewhich she began to perceive as shameful.” – Instead of developing authenticity, Doda focused on blindly copying the style of artists she admired. The fear of being judged as a 'simpleton' narrowed her fashion searches so much that has become a hostage of trends. Her choices were limited to what was expensive, fashionable and 'safe'. Plus, what I'm sure has already worked on someone else, said the stylist. However, she also pointed out some advantages of the star's changing style.

Doda in 2010
Doda in 2010 Photo KAPiF

A brief flash of sophistication and maturity came during her relationship with Nergal. This was the moment when she dared to present a more worldly image, moving away from excessive display of splendor. Unfortunately, this phase passed faster than you might think. Today, looking at her style, it is difficult to notice even a hint of that subtlety.

So how can we summarize the evolution of Doda's style? – As the producer of one of Doda's first photo sessions for the Polish Fashion Magazine, I can say that her fashion choices are an ordeal – both for her and for the viewers. Her image was not based on consistent building of her own style, but on continuous imitation, reproduction, and sometimes even copying iconic outfits of her idols. Over the years, it is difficult to find original, truly original styles in her wardrobe – these can be counted on the fingers of one hand – summed up Ewa Rubasińka-Ianiro.

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