We are a small community, but we have big hearts – said priest Marcin Rayss from Zielona Góra. At that time, one of his parishioners threw all the money collected during the Sunday service into the box of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. There is also no shortage of Catholic parishes that are willing to contribute.
The Evangelical Augsburg Parish from Zielona Góra plays together with the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. The entire tray, i.e. the offerings made by the participants of the Sunday service, went to the volunteers' box. After the ceremony, the donations were collected in a basket, and then the treasurer officially put the money into the WOŚP box.
– Thank you very much for your help. I know that you don't need to be persuaded, because I know that you all do it from the heart and willingly. I am very glad that we could take part in this action again. We are a small community, but we have big hearts and this is proof that you can do something great in a small group, because there is strength in working together – said the parish priest, Fr. Marcin Rayss.
The parishioners eagerly took part in the action – I am a human being, so I help other people and this probably does not require any further comment. Moreover, it is difficult to be a Christian and pass by indifferently another person who needs help and support, commented Mrs. Elżbieta, a parishioner.
The parishioners donated a total of PLN 1,470TVN24
They invite volunteers for homemade cake
This year we managed to collect PLN 1,470. As the parish priest says, the amount is quite similar to that collected last year. But this is not the only way in which the Evangelical Augsburg parish takes part in the Orchestra Final.
– Additionally, we are creating a place for all volunteers in the rectory. We called it “Cafe at Lutheran's”. Volunteers can come there, eat homemade cake baked by parishioners and warm up. To be able to continue collecting funds during the day – said the parish priest and added: – I think that what we are doing together today is part of the work of mercy, and this is what Christians were called to do.
There is also no shortage of Catholic parishes that also participate in collections for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Finale. One of such priests is Fr. Kazimierz Klaban from Elbląg. – A few years ago, I was in the intensive care unit and I saw that there were hearts stuck everywhere on the machines. And that inspired me. And then I thought, why not do it in our church once a year – says the priest to a TVN24 journalist.
It is similar in Łęki Dukielskie, where Fr. Roman Jagiełło also supports the Finale and on Sunday he celebrated mass with a WOŚP heart glued to his chasuble.
WOŚP 2025. Summer riot in the middle of winter
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has been playing since 1993. For 32 years, the WOŚP Foundation has been supporting the Polish health care system through one-day public collections called Finals: it buys the most modern medical equipment for hospitals, runs eight nationwide medical programs, implements an educational program and promotes a healthy lifestyle and preventive activities. During 32 Finals, WOŚP collected nearly PLN 2.3 billion, which was used to purchase 74.5 thousand various medical devices. During most of the Finals, the Orchestra played to improve the quality of medical care for children. But not only that. In the last two years, among other things, the Foundation also conducted collections for adults: in 2023 for the fight against sepsis, and in 2024 – for the treatment of lung diseases. The main theme of the 33rd Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity is the safety and health of children, and is accompanied by the slogan: “We play for health!”. The collected funds will be allocated to the needs of pediatric hematology and oncology. The 33rd Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity will take place on Sunday, January 26, but some traditional initiatives – such as the Warsaw Run “Count yourself with diabetes!” – will be organized on Saturday, January 25. All the most important events will be available on TVN24, TVN, TTV, on MAX, Player.pl, TVN24 GO and on the tvn24.pl portal.
Main photo source: TVN24