Earnings of Zbigniew Ziobra: In 2023, Zbigniew Ziobro as the Minister of Justice and Prosecutor General He earned over PLN 320,000. The politician received almost PLN 58 thousand for participation in meetings National Council of the Judiciary (KRS)also earned 47,000 PLN from a parliamentary diet.
Savings and real estate: Zbigniew Ziobro gathered close 300,000 zlotys savings. He also had funds in a foreign currency in 2023 – $ 2.71 and EUR 1,241,04. The former Minister of Justice has real estate. These are A single -family house with an area of 133.15 meters square with a summer and economic house. The total value is PLN 840,000. In addition, he is the owner of an agricultural plot with an area of 73 ares – worth PLN 175,000 and two forest -agricultural plots worth PLN 140,000 and PLN 170,000.
Weapons worth PLN 23,000: While browsing Zbigniew Ziobro's property declaration Attention is drawn to one of the headings. The former Minister of Justice is the owner of a weapon worth approx. PLN 23,000. As he said in an interview with “Super Express”, when he completed the application in the Silesian prosecutor required the use of weapons. He had a training in this area, during which he discovered that he had a “pistol” striking. “I liked to shoot anyway,” Ziobro said.
No obligations: Zbigniew Ziobro did not have a car in 2023. Also did not show in his last property declaration no property obligations. He paid them back earlier. From previous documents regarding the property, it appeared that He had a mortgage at PKO BP and a commitment in BOŚ for solar installations.
See also: The Pegasus committee decided on the former minister. More in the text “Arrest for Zbigniew Ziobro. The Commission voted for a request”.
Sources: Sejm, Super Express