ZUS changes the payment schedule: If pension payment date falls on a public holiday, in accordance with the regulations, benefits are provided by ZUS before. December pension payment schedule has been adapted to Christmas. The dates of pension payments this month are known.
Retirement before Christmas: Standard ZUS pays pensions on set dates, i.e. 1st, 5th, 6th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 25th of each month. However, if the payment date falls on a non-working day, the money should reach retirees on the last business day before that day. As December 25 is a public holiday, the money will be paid on Monday, December 23 or no later than December 24, because Christmas Eve is a working day.
Changes also before the New Year: Money before Christmas is not everything. ZUS had to do the same in the case of New Year. People who receive their pension on the first day of the month will receive the benefit earlier: no later than December 30 or 31. As emphasized by “Dziennik Newspaper Prawna”, “this solution provides seniors with the opportunity to calmly plan their finances at the turn of the year, without having to wait for funds in the first days of January.”
See also: You can read about what benefits retirees can count on next year in the text titled: “How much will pensions increase in 2025? There are forecasts [WYLICZENIA, KWOTY]”.
Source: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”.