4 C
Saturday, March 15, 2025

Huge amounts of snow have already fallen, the forecasts can be seen more heavy rainfall

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Snowstrages do not stop haunting Japan. On Tuesday in Obihiro, a lot of snow fell, but rainfall also bears the inhabitants of other regions, and in the following days it can add up to 170 centimeters. Winter attack can last even until Sunday.

The Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA) issued further warnings against winter threats on Wednesday. Most of the country was covered by alerts before Zawiej, heavy snowfall and high waves. Second degree alerts in a three -stage, growing scale were mainly in force along the west coast of the country, on the islands of Honsiu and Hokkaido.

It can add 170 centimeters of snow

On Tuesday, record snowfall – over 120 cm – was recorded in the city of Obihiro on the island of Hokkaidobut a lot also attacked in other regions. The daily sums of rainfall reached 99 centimeters in Joetsu on the island of Honsiu, 97 cm in the city of Honbetsu on Hokkaido and 85 cm in the historical village of Shirakawa in the prefecture of the gif.

According to preliminary forecasts, rainfall is to stay until Sunday. The most abundant are expected on Thursday and Friday. Until the Friday morning in the regions of Tohoku and Hokuriku on Honsiu, it can locally add up to 170 cm of snow in total.

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The Japanese meteorological agency appealed to be careful in such difficult conditions in traffic, power outages, fallen snowy trees and avalanches.

Record snowfall in Japan – obihiroPAP/EPA/JIJI Press

Canceled flights, closed highways

Extreme weather conditions caused serious disturbances in transport. On Kyusia and Sikoku, parts of the highways were closed, on which the services could not cope with sufficiently quick snow removal. The manager of the national highway network, Nippon Expressway, recommended the use of winter tires and having chains in a safety vehicle.

The hanging also hindered flights. Until Wednesday until 11 o'clock the local time, the All Nippon Airways lines temporarily suspended 27 domestic connections, and Japan Airlines – 13 national flights. In total, this affected over 2,500 passengers.

Reuters, NHK, The Japan Times

Source of the main photo: PAP/EPA/JIJI Press

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