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Saturday, September 7, 2024

RFID and IoT: A Smart Symbiosis For Hospital Asset Tracking And Management

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Hospitals are by far the most important public institution in our world. It takes a lot of people to keep a hospital in tip top shape.

Many hospitals and the like understand this problem and have started to incorporate digitized solutions in the form of RFID and IoT.

The UAE is the best point of reference since their Ministry of Health and Prevention currently boasts the most extensive RFID asset tracking facilities in the world.

Understanding The Technology

Before implementing any software or reaching out to development companies, it’s of great import to become familiar with the technology itself.

RFID And How It’s Used

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Radio Frequency Identification or RFID is used by a company for the purposes of tracking. This technology is a wireless and passive process that relies on radio waves to streamline the process.

IoT And Why It Matters

IoT on the other hand, means Internet of Things. It’s an umbrella term that accounts for many different kinds of software, and other technologies embedded into hardware. These devices have made it possible to communicate between devices and people through the internet.

Why Should Hospitals Combine Them?

Like I said earlier, running a hospital is complicated. A lot of work goes into keeping operations smooth. But when you look into solutions offered by software development agencies, you’ll notice there’s a lot of benefits for hospitals too and not just companies.

Asset Tracking Made Easy

RFID in particular exists for the purpose of tracking and identifying people or assets. 

Hospitals receive high volumes of medicines, equipment, devices, etc. It’s out of the question to allow any risks in that department.

Using a combination of RFID and IoT custom software, means that the medical facility can prevent wastage and make sure the inventory is replenished to avoid shortages.

Asset Management That Saves Time

Side by side with tracking, you also have the benefit of efficiently managing your resources. So not only can you account for where your assets are, you can also keep an eye on how they’re being used and whether they are even needed at all. Having custom software like this on board, allows for conversational AI, machine learning, and cloud computing and much more.

The Advantages

Other plus points worth mentioning include:

  • Real time tracking of assets, from wheelchairs to blood samples
  • Manage temperature sensitive drugs with greater ease
  • Tracking employees and patients as well, guaranteeing their safety
  • Can track and manage assets even without WiFi
  • Fairly inexpensive development costs

The Drawbacks

Some realistic concerns to keep in mind include:

  • Passive RFID can’t track in real time
  • Maintenance of software and tags becomes expensive
  • A lot of antennas and equipment will need to be installed for full coverage of the medical facility

My Concluding Thoughts

So clearly, hospitals will find a lot of value in software development. Not only can you prevent a lot of wastage but you can also cut down on some inventory costs.

While some practical problems should be considered, you should anticipate advancements in this area. As custom software development companies continue to move forward, more convenient solutions are a matter of “when” and not “if.”

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