On Tuesday in Ukraine took place National Security Council and Defense. The main topic of the talks was the problem of mobilization, which many Ukrainians avoid thanks to corruption and legal loopholes.
Problems with mobilization in Ukraine. The attorney general resigns
Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin in a statement after the meeting, he said that inspections and criminal proceedings are currently underway in this matter at all levels of the state. He reported that it had been detected “many shameful abuses”.
“I take the position President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky “it is absolutely right that all illegal decisions regarding the granting of a degree of disability, related pensions and other benefits should not only be annulled, but also clear legislative and organizational changes should be made,” he wrote.
Speaking about personal and political responsibility, he said that he was grateful to Zelensky for the trust he placed in him, but in the current situation he believed that it would be right for him to resign from the position of prosecutor general.
War in Ukraine. This is how they avoid mobilization
At the beginning of October Ukrainian State Bureau of Investigation (DBR) reported that it had confiscated the equivalent amount almost five million euros in cash an official suspected of helping people escape from military mobilization.
DBR reported that in the apartment head of the medical commission of the Khmelnytsky regionresponsible for assessing men's suitability for military service, and a large amount of cash in various currencies, as well as jewelry and other valuable items, were found in her office.
She was arrested along with her sonwho is the director of the regional branch of the state pension fund.
Investigators also discovered false documents in the clerk's office disability and fictitious medical diagnoses. According to DBR, the suspects also have over two million euros in bank accounts abroad and properties in Ukrainew Austria, Spain i Turkey.
According to investigators, both people were detained suspected of large-scale fraud“legalization of property obtained criminally” and illegal enrichment, for which they face a penalty of up to 12 years in prisonas well as “confiscation of all property”.
In turn, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) reported that broke up a 13-person criminal group in Kharkov in the north-east of Ukraine, which helped over 400 men avoid mobilization on the basis of false documents confirming disability.
This group included the head of the city medical commission and several of his subordinates they offered their services for “2000-5000 dollars” per person.
Source: Ukrainska Pravda, Reuters
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