Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama announced that a Muslim state modeled on the Vatican is to be established in the capital of his country, Tirana. The idea is to promote religious tolerance. However, the plan raises concerns among the country's Muslim community.
Authorities Albania they intend to create a “Muslim Vatican” in the country's capital, Tirana. This sovereign state would be established in the religious center of the Bektashis, i.e. followers of a syncretic religion dominated by Islamic influences. It would cover several streets (10 hectares in total), have its own administration, passports and borders. If everything goes according to plan, it will be the smallest country in the world, four times smaller than Vatican.
According to the idea, the new state would not impose any restrictions on lifestyle or clothing, reflecting the tolerant practices of the Bektashi movement.
The idea of ​​​​creating a Bektashi state is to be another element of promoting Albania as the most religiously tolerant country in the world. As Prime Minister Rama assured, a team of lawyers appointed by the government is currently working on implementing the concept of establishing an Independent Bektashi Brotherhood State.
Ilir Kula, former secretary general for religious affairs in the Albanian government, told Al-Jazeera that “religious communities and the state may agree to establish an independent and sovereign entity in accordance with the Albanian constitution.” The Bektashis themselves – as the television emphasized – believe that the creation of a state would help nurture their centuries-old tradition, and the small country would become a global symbol of moderate Islam.
Dervish Baba Mondi, the spiritual leader of the Bektashi movement who is to head the Independent State of the Bektashi Brotherhood, said that all decisions would be made with “love and kindness.” He expressed hope that USA and other Western powers recognize his country's sovereignty. – We deserve a state – he said in September in an interview with the New York Times. – We are the only people in the world who tell the truth about Islam and do not mix it with politics – he argued.
“Anxiety” of the Muslim community
However, the project raises concerns among the authorities of the Muslim Community of Albania. Its representative said in a television interview that “such ideas can be dangerously destabilizing.” – They set a precedent that will violate the coexistence of Albanian religious communities that have so far – without similar privileges – coexisted peacefully, noted Lauren Luli.
– It is equally harmful to use differentiating phrases such as “moderate Islam”, which the Muslim community of Albania strongly condemns – he added.
The history of the Bektashis
The Bektashi movement, also known as Bektashi, is a religious brotherhood originating from Sufism. It is one of the most liberal branches of Islam.
The movement was born in Anatolia in Turkeywhere it soon became the official order of Janissaries – elite Turkish infantry units. Over time, the Bektashiites began to be criticized for their liberal approach to faith and growing political influence.
The brotherhood's activities were first banned in the 17th century by Sultan Mahmud II. Then in 1925, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the secular Turkish state, closed all Bektashi temples and residences after banning in Turkey all sects of Islam not recognized by the Directorate of Religious Affairs.
Then the Bektashis moved their center from Turkey – where the religion was founded – to Albania. In this multi-religious country today they constitute about 15 percent. society.
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