In Italian Dolomites a huge avalanche came down on Sunday. The element kidnapped a group of four skiers. Two people are in a critical condition.
Alpesi rescuers announced that on Sunday, near the Giau Pass, an avalanche went down in the Italian Dolomites. The element kidnapped a group of skiers. The condition of some of them is critical.
Difficult rescue operation
The avalanche took place around 13 o'clock. Snow mass buried four skiers. One of them managed to get out on their own, without any injuries. He called for help and threw himself to help one of his companions.
Mountain rescuers who arrived very quickly located a 51-year-old man from Conegliano in Treviso, who was released from snow. He was transported to the hospital in Pieve di Cadore. Hypothermics and ankle injury was found.
Two other skiers were not so lucky. The avalanche took them much lower. One person was a 38-year-old man. Rescuers had to dig it out of a two -meter layer of snow. They resuscitated and then transported him to a helicopter to the hospital in Mestre.
A second 40-year-old woman found herself in an even more difficult situation. It was necessary to use the help of a tracking dog. The layer of snow, under which the injured was located, reached over three meters. It was transported by air to the hospital in Treviso. Both skiers are in a critical condition.
Source of the main photo: Reuters