Piotr Gąsowski He has been associated with Polsat. We can already watch the actor in the program “Your face sounds familiar” He will also appear as a reactivated “blind date”and on March 20 he made his debut in a new role – as an expert in “Contact glass“How did he go?
Piotr Gąsowski in “Contact Glass”. He did not hide his nervousness
Piotr G ± Sowski Already at the beginning of the TVN24 program he did not hide that the entrance to the new one teams He was a great experience for him. The actor in the air surprised with his confession. – Believe me, I haven't eaten anything from the morning (you can say it's very good looking at me). It happened with nerves, I will go down once and then stop. I am honored to be in this program. It is a distinction for me and I will try not to take you Gąsowski revealed nervous. Unexpectedly, when Tomasz Sianecki tried to explain to the actor some issues, the nervousness of the star again took its toll. “I watched everything in fear today,” he confessed. The atmosphere in the program quickly improved and there was no shortage of jokes characteristic of the actor. The star during the conversation commented on the staff Karol Nawrockiproposing that too small foam He could help him build an image.
Piotr Gąsowski was assessed by the program viewers. What were the comments after the broadcast?
Already after the broadcast of the premiere program of the “Contact Glass” episode with Piotr Gąsowski, viewers of the program assessed the participation of the actor. There were many positive opinions under the posted post on Facebook. “All right Change“,” I assess the debut very positively “,” The beginning of the slide and already liked Piotr, is ours “,” Gąs is divine ” – wrote enthusiastic fans. Gąsowski also decided to leave his comment, in which he thanked for positive opinions. “Dear, beloved” siekłkowicze “! I am really, touched and happy that you write so positively here! And even those of you who doubted, whether I can do it! This is the best reward for me! Yes … I was nervous, above all because I … (…) And to put it simply … the last thing I would like, I would not spoil the pleasure of watching you!” – wrote the actor.