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Coronavirus in Poland. How many people in Poland died of Covid-19, how much

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The state of the Covid-19 epidemic lasted in Poland over two years, from March 2020 to May 2022. At that time, in our country, coronavirus infection was confirmed by research in over six million people. Data on how many people were quarantine in one day or stayed in hospitals, are difficult to believe today. However, the most significant are the daily number of deaths. Such tragic statistics have not been seen in Poland for decades.

Five years after the state of the epidemic was introduced in Poland Covid-19the memory of the statistics that all of Poland lived at the time, waiting for daily reports on the number of infections and deaths. In retrospect, it is hard to believe that one day over 830,000 people could have been sick, and more than 1.8 million Poles, so every twenty -one of us could be excluded from normal functioning due to quarantine. However, the most significant are the daily number of deaths.

How long did the state of the epidemic last?

As many as 787 days lasted the state of the Covid-19 epidemic introduced by the government. It was announced on March 20, 2020, on May 16, 2022, it turned into an epidemic threat. At that time, medical services confirmed over six million coronavirus infections with SARS-COV-2 coronavirus in various mutations, among which the most cases were caused by the Osikron variant, and the most deadly harvest was collected by Alfa and Delta variants.

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How many people in Poland have got Covid-19?

During the epidemic state, coronavirus was confirmed in over six million people in Poland. That's as much as he lives in the Wielkopolskie and Łódź provinces combined. On average, 16 fell on every 100 inhabitants of our country.

How many people have died?

According to data from May 2022, over 116,000 infected in Poland died on Covid-19. This is more or less how many residents are counted by Płock or Elbląg. The highest number of fatalities was reported on April 8, 2021 – Health Ministry He informed about the death of 954 people that day. Less than a week later, on April 14, 2021, 803 deaths were informed.

The Central Statistical Office in the report “Decorating in 2021. Deaths according to the reasons-preliminary data” pointed out that “Pandemia affected men and city residents more. According to preliminary data, the death rate per 100,000 population due to Covid-19 for men was nearly 50 higher than for women, while for residents of cities by more than 50 than for the inhabitants of rural areas.” As added, in 2021 every fifth death was caused by Covid-19.

Which coronavirus wave brought the most cases?

During the pandemic, five coronavirus waves were distinguished. In terms of the number of infections, the last, fifth wave – with the Osikron variant – was the most serious. The highest in the fifth wave and the highest during the state of the epidemic, a single report of the Ministry of Health spoke about 57,659 infections a day. It was January 27, 2022.

It was in the fifth wave that the highest number of active infections, i.e. people who underwent infection on a given day, were recorded – there were 830 723 of them on February 3, 2022. It was about 2.2 percent of the whole society. Even more people were on quarantine at one time. At the end of January, for two days, their number exceeded one million, or 2.8 percent. the population of the country. On January 28, there were more than 1.8 million Poles excluded and directed at quarantine, and therefore excluded from normal social functioning, and therefore every twenty -one of us.

The third wave with Alfa mutation, in turn, was the most difficult from the point of view of the health care system. There were most patients with SARS-COV-2 in hospitals. At the peak, April 8, 2021, exactly 34 864.

When did the most infected died?

The third and fourth wave of coronavirus – when health care was most burdened – took the greatest mortal toll. Alfa mutations (third wave), delta (fourth wave) and the original version of SARS-COV-2 (still dominant during the second wave) killed patients much more often than causing the most omikron infections.

The most tragic month of the epidemic in Poland was April 2021, i.e. the top of the third wave. Out of ten daily reports, in which the highest numbers of fatalities fell, six were published this month, three more in December 2021, and one – in January 2022. In total, in April 2021, about 14,450 infected people were informed about the death of. “Ok” because the ministry corrected the data on an ongoing basis. The second in this statistics is December 2021, the time of Delta's domination. About 13,460 fatalities were found this month.

See also: The whole of Płock died, i.e. the state of the epidemic in numbers more or less obvious

Source of the main photo: Shutterstock

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